Trump supporters are threatening to leave the country if Joe Biden wins? Perfect.
OK, find a country with no public health care, that has outlawed abortions and has easy access to guns.
Afghanistan comes to mind. Pack a sweater.
North of the border? They won't like it. We won't neither.
I would like to thank you for your suggestions. Ethiopia is another is you want to live under a religious leader.
This has been recurring “threat” for people on both sides of the aisle, but hasn’t happened in Masses any time I know of. This year the unrest whoever wins may make it more interesting, unfortunately.
Still, your suggestion of criteria in choosing a country to go to is spot on
This has been a recurring threat with conservatives since '92. Some threatened to secede or move out if Bill Clinton won. He won. They didn't go. Then they threatened to leave if Obama won. He won. They didn't go.
To be fair, a number of celebrities said they would move to Canada, or wherever, if Trump won. They're still here.
This kind of "threat" has always rung very hollow. How is it meant to influence anyone? It didn't even work in 1860, and the South really did secede. Politics is not a game of poker. Bluffing doesn't get you anywhere. It's more like euchre; just play the hand and either win or lose.
The less number of Trumpsters around the better!