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LINK Church burns altar where priest had sex with two women, Louisiana archbishop says

Really? I wonder how abused altar boys feel about this? Nothing got burned for them. This could be a good movie, eh? Belief is a MF!!!

IAJO163 8 Oct 13

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I’m from south Louisiana and there’s always a scandal
about the catholics doing something to children or to women. Strange how you never hear of the JW’s (jehovah’s witnesses) abusing children and women.
It’s actually a worse epidemic than the catholics. JW’s
are probably paying of the media.


I hope this trend catches fire, and spreads to all churches that experience sexual improprieties.

BDair Level 8 Oct 14, 2020

Destroying someone's woodcraft and toil because of someone else actions? It makes no sense! Why not burn down the building and build a new one using that brilliant logic?
Someone oughta tell them that we now have a variety of disinfectants. We aren't living in the dark ages when people believed in cursed objects.


So they burned a altar in Louisiana, I have a mental picture of two saw horses and a piece of plywood somebody with a gas can and a lighter, big deal.🙄


Could they just have scrubbed it with carbolic soap. All that wasted money....


Tragic. Where’s their sense of humour? In a world where there are so many issues, why are they so affronted by consensual sex. Poor darlings. Perhaps next time a church or religious property is found to be a site of assault on minors they will allow them to purge it in this way, as part of their healing process. Kidding, but seems more appropriate.


What's appalling to me (and I've been a Paul all my life, so I have some expertise here) is the attitude toward sex; "obscene", "unholy", even "demonic". What's the message for parishioners about their sex lives? Okay, granted it was probably the wrong place; after all, nobody is meant to have sex at the office (and on camera, to boot). But everyone involved was a consenting adult. So they did some kinky stuff; that's not "obscene".

I really don't give a rat about the community standards in Louisiana. Any locality's definition of "obscenity" is irrelevant in this day when you don't have to go to the adult store wearing a coat with the collar turned up for fear of disapproving looks; you don't have to go at all, you can shop online. We're moving toward the liberalization (and liberation) of the entire world eventually, and that's what people like this priest truly fear. That's why they still oppress the normal sex drive, in the 21st century.


Shoot the bear, burn the altar. Did I miss anything?

godef Level 7 Oct 13, 2020

I thought they could splash some special magic water on it, cloud the air with pixie dust smoke, or even bring in an exorcist.

This approach seems rather extreme, even for them, but I guess they're going back to the old ways. Do they plan on burning the participants as well?


They kick the guy out for having sex with two women. If it would have be a young boy the church would have covered it up.


OH no, 'burning the altar' what a pagan (LOL) act.
Big Sky Daddy will NOT be pleased with them burning HIS/HER property in HIS/HER own house, the next we'll know he/she will have to do is send Jeebus to make a whole new one IF he can find himself that is....LOL.


Burning the altar was foolish.....they probably could have sold it on ebay.

And use the cash to help the people who need to rebuild.


was the priest attached?!!

Jeez, I hope so.


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
(We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn)
(Burn, motherfucker, burn)
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
(We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn)
(Burn, motherfucker, burn)
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire


His testicles should be amputated.

Why? The priest was doing something normal for once, having consensual sex and fun. It's the testicles of those in authority above him that should be forfeit.

By clamping them in Bear trap first I hope.


I was thinking much the same.


As the old saying goes, what goes around comes around.


Why stop at the alter? Light that whole fucker up.

No!!! There is a church that was built in the 1800s in Star, Idaho that probably had its members stolen by the mormons and went into disuse. It was bought by younger more sensible people, renovated, and turned it into a deli/coffee house/ bar. I loved it!

@Holysocks As an architect I can totally get behind adaptive reuse of historic structures. There's no better challenge than trying to downplay the "churchiness" of a building. This building however is 70's garbage hidden in the burbs, no one will miss it.

The Lord is appeased by burning things.

@CopDogJoe Gotcha. There are plenty plywood steepled 'temples' here as well. It's a shame none of them weren't built 150 feet closer to the train tracks. :/

@BDair Weren't burnt offerings just a communal BBQ with god getting the smoke and the people getting the meat?


Novel approach, and far better than the church's old solution of burning the women.

The old temptress defense, surprised they didn't accuse them of consorting with Lucifer as witches and casting a spell over the priest. The patriarchy is losing their touch it would seem.

@Surfpirate true, thank goodness!

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