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Who else is Conservative fiscally but Liberal on social issues? Because I feel alone when it comes to this issue.

DarwinMyHero97 4 Oct 13

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You can't be fiscally conservative while being socially liberal. You want liberty for yourself but refuse to share it with others.


So... you don't like spending money on social safety nets? That doesn't make you socially liberal.
That's generally what Republicans mean by that it seems like. And it goes into social issues.

They are fiscal in name only because debt goes up under Republicans

MsAl Level 8 Oct 13, 2020

That’s the small-r republican I was raised, and originally registered. Oregon Republicans were fiscally conservative and socially aware. Reagan turned me into a Carter Republican. And when the radical wrong purged the party of moderates, I went Democrat - and have never looked back..

Varn Level 8 Oct 13, 2020

I prefer every adult can live as they see fit, helping the less fortunate, but am hugely in favor of the death penalty....what would you call that? BTW I HATE labels!


You, sir....are not alone. Libertarians lean towards this mind set. But I find most want less government intrusion on business matters so that commerce can exist unfettered by union demands & that is where they lose me. Who takes care of those unable to function in society? & who pays for it & how? Libertarians say sink or swim. I am a solid union woman.

Exactly. I am always suspicious of people who don't support unions.

And I always get a chuckle out of how Libertarians completely ignore the 16th Amendment in order to claim that "taxation is theft!".


I am Conservative Fiscally but Liberal on Social Issues. I like stands on both sides.


  1. Reparations
  2. Full civil rights and equality
  3. Equality at work place
  4. Healthcare reform
  5. Strict control over capitalism
  6. Full gun control, ban assault weapons, eliminate second amendment, prohibit all guns in hands of public, prohibit high power military style weapons with police, make illegal gun ownership punishable with a minimum of 25 years with no parole and make all gun manufacturers fully subject to civil suits with punitive damages by citizens, not just victims
  7. Healthcare research funding
  8. Eliminate religion from government and from everything that is funded by taxpayers at all levels
  9. Remove religion tax exemptions
  10. Make every religious worker register and require a license, CPE every year, and ethics course
  11. Disallow every abuse at church to be managed inside, every abuse must be reported within 72 hours of an outcry, make special courts to speedy religious abuse trials
  12. Increase tax rates above obscene CEO and executive salaries
  13. Stop golden parachutes
  14. Limit Medicare and social benefits after certain high net worth
  15. Reduce the estate tax exemption to $3 million
  16. Make laws against diplomatic, military or economic relations with dictators or governments with low human rights records
  17. Withdraw all funding to Israel and Egypt ($3 billion in total)


  1. Strong defense
  2. Fiscal discipline
  3. Full Congress approval each year after each country's negative imbalance
  4. U.S. must be a positive trade in the net with each country
  5. Eliminate all subsidies to - agriculture, auto industry, Boeing, and all else
  6. Eliminate all food stamps, free hand outs
  7. Totally stop all illegal immigration including asylum laws, deport every single illegal immigrant including DACA
  8. Remove the right to citizenship by birth (modify United States Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
  9. Encourage merit based legal immigration highly
  10. Deport all immigrants who create a public charge, criminal records, 2 or more mortgage failures etc.
  11. Build a strong wall from sea to the shining sea with electronic mechanism to catch all crossings
  12. Make helping any illegal immigrants in any shape or form a serious crime
  13. Ban abortions federally with strong restrictions such as mother's life in danger, rape or incest
  14. Implement voter ID laws nationally
  15. Withdraw all unnecessary military bases around the world, and make the countries basing the bases pay for all expenses
  16. Eliminate income tax and make a higher rate (20%) uniform consumption (sales) tax. Discontinue all state sales taxes.
  17. Make military service for every 16 to 18 years old to serve for 3 years mandatory, Fake exemptions to be investigated with public complaints and prosecuted.

You do have time.


I will tell you a secret. "Copy and Paste". Don't tell anyone.

Why should people not have time at this age? Precriptions and time are all we should have.


I am liberal of social issues, but also believe that we need to reduce the national debt -- by raising taxes on the rich and on corporations, not by cutting needed programs.

So unlike the OP, you are not a fiscal conservative. You hold a consistent, progressive world view.

Taxes on corporate income? On what besides that?


Conserving the capitalist system is a no starter. It has not proven to take care of long term needs of its citizens.


If you are a fearful and dogmatic conservative or a foolish and dogmatic liberal, you lose.

I am a sometimes angry and dogmatic progressive and have to be careful or I will lose.

Lose what?

Dogmatism is not synonymous with using political ideologies to interpret your world view.

@LovinLarge Lose what? Some political activism will tell you.

That’s dogmatism in your opinion. Try “ express your world view”.

@yvilletom I've been politically active for decades, even worked in politics for several years.

So far in this thread, you have been sarcastic, avoided questions, been condescending toward someone whose background you are unfamiliar, made an unsupported factual claim and alleged dogmatism without support. Apparently you have nothing of value to contribute to this thread.

@LovinLarge Period.


Fiscal conservatism does not provide the revenue base to support a liberal social infrastructure. You want the benefits of liberalism on social issues without having to pay for them. It doesn't work that way.

LL, I don’t see dogmatism in your comment.

@yvilletom I'm sorry, I don't follow. I am increasingly having difficulty understanding communication limited to text.

Since the OP lives in Canada, the most obvious example is that he enjoys the effective and efficient benefit of universal healthcare but such benefit offends fiscal conservatives as the single largest budget item for every province.

@LovinLarge Text-limited communication is all I have but I will try.

In the USA universal health care would be the largest budget item, so we won’t have universal health care.

@yvilletom Please clarify your comments on dogmatism. Were you being sarcastic?

@yvilletom Also, the projected cost of universal healthcare in the US would not overtake the current military expenditure.

@LovinLarge No.

@LovinLarge Projected by whom and including or excluding what?

@yvilletom You ask me to support my position with evidence when you took the first position without supporting it with evidence? That is rich. Zero interest interest in continuing to interact with you.


Seems like a conflict to me...

I also see no dogmatism in yours.

@yvilletom nor I in yours...

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