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The non-existing Jesus was an animal sacrifice to himself. Even though eternal and omnipotent, God sacrificed himself to himself to atone for the non-existing original sin. Original Sin, while not genetic, was passed down to every person from the non-existing Adam and Eve, after Eve was misled by the non-existing talking snake. Eve ate the apple from the non-existing tree of knowledge, and so everyone knows that becoming self-aware, and learning anything is evil, evil evil. And the evil of self-awareness and learning are also non-existing. Got it?

racocn8 9 Oct 13

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it's the "everybody knows" part that is more likely being characterized in "tree of knowledge"
so, more steps on that ladder iow; there is surely ego involved
best of luck to you


Yer making my head!


I reject the entirety of Christian culture with particular animosity toward protestant white North American Christianity cults, which are really just a continuation of the horror of the American Confederacy. Now they call themselves the Republican party.
Lets teach them that their ideas are wholly without merit and entirely rejected, because we can't have equality and this god damned conservative outlook where some are more equal than others.


When you look at it properly the Christian scriptures practically do themselves in from the very beginning. There are several reasons for this. The number one biggest reason is that 66 or more books written over a long period of time about various subjects were chosen to be put together to tell one evolving story. Today people claim that story is yet going on. This makes as much sense as trying to build Frankenstein's monster.


Sin is even more infectious than COVID. Everybody is born with sin but no one is born with the coronavirus.If Jesus had died for coronavirus along with sin we wouldn't be going thru all this shit right now.

Didn't God see this coming? So he writes us an insurance policy for sin but not for COVID, or Swine Flu, or the Black Plague, or...

...and sin isn;t even a real thing!


Jebus didn't sacrifice anything. He's 'Dog'. He knew he couldn't be killed. The whole thing was just a play-acted sham.😋

Poor christians, they just do not understand the perils of lacking critical thinking skills.


Apart from the non existing bit, I followed you.
I now know, as much as I can know anything, that God doesn’t exist. As a child I used to cry at Easter over Jesus’s death and the cruelty of God. Link to crucifixion hymn:

adults enjoyed perpetuating this tragic story, apparently so that I could ‘sin’ and be forgiven for it, ( but not too much!).
Knowing it’s a myth is much easier, and makes much more sense. The people perpetuating the tripe will never make sense to me, it’s nonsensical that a god would behave as the Christian/ Abrahamic god would to me.

"God sent God to die for God so that God could forgive God's creations according to God's unbending rules."

~ LanceThruster

And they're reply is that you're wrong. What good have you now accomplished with it? Tell them they got destracted from Jesus by the Southern Church's fear of God. That puts them on the side of a Golden Calf and they need to save their soul by following Jesus. He was a liberal kind of guy so the insanity stops for a while.

Of course.

Too Rube Goldberg for my tastes.

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