Although I don't believe the world is ending soon , I believe there's a God, a force that has power over human. Just like we have superiority over animals, someone/something has power over us too. What do you think?
If you think you are going to flip us, you couldn't be more wrong. Most of us were believers at one time, but for me reaching the age of reason and blessed with the ability of critical thinking I walked away from that horribly constricted life of fear without reason. So that would be a no.
I do not think we have superiority over animals, for one thing. Do they war, destroy the planet, make each other have crippling guilt over sky-fairy crapola, put each other in cages? For just a few things.....
No...I believe we are under the control of nothing except the powerful forces of human greed and political stupidity. There is no greater power in the sense of a supernatural being.
We have superiority over animals? Go tell that to the brown bears that have been raiding a town in NH for so long they've lost all shyness and actually break into houses and have attacked people. Better yet, tell the Covid-19 virus how superior we are.
We have technology. That doesn't make us "superior" to anything else on the planet, and it doesn't imply that any other beings have to exist to be "above" us. Even if they were, what's above them, and so on and on? It's an infinite regress that doesn't solve anything. By that rationale, it's just gods without end.
(Edited: I misspelled "rationale". Not very rational of me, I know.)
Nope, everything that has happened has been 100% biology and sociology and psychology.
No one is coming to help us, not Gods or Aliens.
I don't understand the concept of superiority over animals.
Is your belief founded on falsifiable evidence? If so, would you care to share that evidence with the rest of us?
Absolutely not!! The animal analogy is a particularly bad one. Jus because as a species we have developed the capacity to kill or control other living creatures, that does not make us “superior” to them. So, no, there is no indication of the existence of a conscious entity that could be called a “someone” that is “superior” to us.
Did you ever believe in Santa? How did that work out!?
Did he have power over flying reindeer, or did they force him to deliver toys?
As a child many of us may have. But also the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.
But we eventually learn that it’s not real and move forward.
@SeaRay215ex more people should do that with the god concept.
I think your beliefs are totally without merit. There is no god, no heaven, no hell, no devil. There is only this world we live in, that can be seen and felt. You are peddling Stone Age myths.
From what I have seen, ALL gods are mythological. What has power over us are the laws of nature, which exist without gods.
I don’t know. If you’ve ever been scuba diving in the ocean, sat on a boat with your legs in the water in the Everglades, or walked through the woods in Africa, you’d question how much superiority you really have over the animals. Things are equal in many ways.
I think that power is mother nature and her laws of physics and quantum mechanics. You could suggest a god created those laws, and possibly multiple universes, but then I'd have to ask where your god came from. All I know is a god doesn't interact with us, and we are intertwined with nature.
Taking just one of your points in what way are we superior to animals? We spend most of our lives, learning or working to achieve tiny bits of plastic that we then value over our family and friends, we kill each other over stupid opinions and false ideologies, we destroy the environment and expect nothing to change. Dolphins swim eat mate have babies get attacked, play enjoy themselves and manage to negotiate an ocean without a compass or GPS, homing pigeon and many other migratory animals are able to traverse the globe without getting lost, some human can barely make it to the shops and back. Humans are destructive, greedy, hate, murder etc all with a brain that can reason and knows that what they are doing is repugnant to a large group of society. Animals might hunt each other but they don't pretend to be morally upright while doing it, only a few species (those closest to humans) kill each other for little or no reason (many do it for food) Most animals have much better vision, agility, motor function, hearing, flight, group co-ordination, family structure (harsh and hard as it may be) and are in tune with the environment.
If you are here just to stir up trouble I think you are going to be sadly disappointed.
Many years ago I remember reading something that went roughly like this.
Humans looked at their world and saw that it fitted them well, when they walked to a spot there was water and food and as they moved around there was more water and food. The wondered how the world came to be just right for them. (we are an arrogant and conceited bunch) They decided that someone must have made the world for them, then in their arrogance they gave the figure a shape, their shape and the worshiped it in the hopes that better fortune might come their way, thus began the age of gods.
First, i disagree that we have superiority over animals, we just think we do because we can kill them and destroy whole species. So i've reworded your question to 'does someone, or something have control over us, able to kill us on a whim, and even destroy the human race?'
It would be lovely to think so. So my answer is no.
Many humans, including the Americans' current President, love to find someone else to blame for their own disastrous decisions.
Maybe if humans began to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions they would no longer need to blame some other "higher power" LOL
My answer to your repurposed question is a definite, "Yes." Had we reelected the asshole we would see what free reign of a virus can do. There are others out there and they have no concern for our well being. Just because we live in this Universe does not mean it is going to control things so we survive, we have to discover a means to fathom the chaos and survive what comes at us.
@dalefvictor "fathom the chaos?" Chaos is a natural phenomenon, but the reality that we perceive that something is chaotic doesn't mean it is necessarily so. Human perceptions are often unrealistic, and are inspired by fear or ignorance or both, and more. Embrace chaos and it is no longer a detriment to our lives.