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Fun thought for the day.
I know I'm a little 'crazy' from time to time but at least I know I'm normal, it's the rest of you I worry about....LOL.

Triphid 9 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I have NEVER claimed to be "normal", not once...gave that idea up at about age 9

"But I am normal for me, BUT I am also unsure as to what is normal for thee." William Anthony, 2020 LOL

@Triphid not even normal to me...I surprise myself on a regular basis.

@AnneWimsey Don't we all 'surprise' ourselves from time to time?

@Triphid I cannot omagine how boring things would be otherwise.....


"All the world old is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer." Robert Owen

"But am I not but a little less queer than thee." William Anthony, 2020 LOL.

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