Have any you watched as your adult child made decisions or lived their lives in such a way that you know they will have long term health problems because of their choices? If you say too much to them then you're nagging and they get offended or shut down. It's like watching your child in a very slow car wreck and you can do nothing to stop it. All I can do is be supportive and offer help and advice when she asks for it. How do you deal with it?
I learned to view their lives like a soap opera and wait for them to come to me for advice. My children haven’t had very serious issues though.
I have one just like that. I hope someday she figures it out, but she won't listen to me. I was kinda a idiot at that age to so I figure I did ok. I hope it works out for your daughter as well. I think all you can do is be there for them.
Once my kids were 18 years old, I left them alone to smoke, take drugs, or eat junk food as they liked. I always told them they could do anything they wanted once they were paying their own health insurance.
My daughter eventually reverted back to her organic, healthy diet, but dunno about my son.
A lot of our parents went thru exactly what you are dealing with.....or something pretty close to it. For the mostpart we all turned out ok....and so did they.
You've got to let them be adults and make their own choices. My kids health wise are doing really good. One of them career wise is not making wise choices, but she's not taking advice from anyone.
We all sooner or later have to accept the fact we give our babies to the world even if they will always be our babies they are not for us to keep.
They are adults and you can only hope your guidance helped.