By Hemant Mehta - On Wednesday, I posted about how one of the right-wing activists who celebrated the Capitol siege was former Pennsylvania State Rep. Rick Saccone, a Christian Nationalist who spent years in the state legislature trying to pass bills promoting his faith instead of helping people. He even posted a video online bragging about how he was “storming the capitol.”
*"… Here in front of the U.S. Capitol. Hundreds of thousands of people storming the Capitol. They broke down the gates. They’re macing them up there. We’re trying to run out all the evil people in there and all the RINOs that have betrayed our president."
"We’re going to run ’em out of their offices. And we’re calling on Vice President Pence to support our president. Look at all these people… Hundreds of thousands. The fake news media won’t tell you how many people here… I’m telling you there are hundreds of thousands of people here to support our president and save our nation."
"Are you with me? Until next time, in God we trust."*
It turns out that Saccone has been teaching history at Saint Vincent College for the past 21 years. After he gleefully celebrated the overthrowing of the government, the college began investigating him, and Saccone almost immediately submitted his resignation. Because it always looks better on a résumé if you quit before you get fired.
Seems like a lot of employees have been fired over their attendance. Also, even some business leaders are having their businesses boycotted. Too many felt this was no big deal and were in the party mood. Let them pay the price for their stupidity. Sends a clear message.
I sure as shit don't want my kids, grandkids, or even second cousins twice removed being left in his "care"
I wonder what history he was teaching.
Must of missed all the stuff leading up to the Civil War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, etc.