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I still have a lot of old Christian friends in my Facebook posts. Amazing how many speak of prophets predicting Trumps victory then how courts were gonna overturn Biden’s win to now our country is going to hell in a hand basket. Why don’t they admit they are wrong OR that God wanted Joe Biden as president.

It’s amazing the mental gymnastics they go through to justify their positions and They never admit they are wrong. It’s either God is testing us or the Devil did it. I did same when I was Christian.

I’ve actually seen some Say that Mitt Romney should go to hell and stay there.

Now that I’ve stepped back from it then it’s easy to see how crazy it is and wonder how I could ever think like that. But I remember that’s how I was raised and everyone around me thinks like that.

It’s why Hell is so important to Christianity. The belief in hell and that if you don’t believe what preachers you’re going there mss as Kee people accept this nonsense

abyers1970 7 Jan 9

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My entire fam loves this invisible god so much that im the bad guy cuz i ask great questions

christians are the worst of the worst cuz of the arrogant factor

belief in something without good reason hurts my feelings

anytime somebody says lets pray to god or ill pray for u , i literally poop a lil bit in my pants , jus sayin

omg i just realized that might be the reason i don't get invited to dinners anymore fml


Ah, religions and Prophets(???), same old shit, same old toilet just a very slightly different aroma.
Never once known nor heard of a Prophet.Prophecy ever becoming a true and happening FACT UNLESS it IS prophesied AFTER the event of course.

I think they do it because of ego. If they are right then they will brag about the one time they are right and forget about the 100 times they were wrong.


Having once been a Christian, I was initially bewildered by the mastery that Trump has over these people. As a Christian I understood the concept of the ends not justifying the means and the dangers of making Faustian bargains. But then I realized that Christians who outwardly profess the importance of living a virtuous life, while embracing and even submitting to a man who represents the very antithesis of honesty, propriety, integrity and decency, could mean only one thing—they have become radicalized, just as the orthodox extremists of any other faith or ideology. And that is why they are dangerous and must be dealt with.


They need a life, a new one.


Even a broken clock can be right twice a day.


he who digs a pit for others to fall into ends up in it himself
leaders are chosen by Yah

who cares about ppl who can't even read their own book lol


With Romney, the evangelicals can throw him out easily as they really don't believe Mormons are Xtions - many don't believe Catholics are either.
Too many no longer are just xtion zealots, they have joined the cult of tRump and found anyway necessary to allow them to accept the white nationalist form of their religion.


What amazes me is that Christians think bible prophesy has anything to do with America. Anything at all. It does not. A proper study of that monstrosity called the bible will show this but Christians want to continue to be special.


CLEAR THINKING: For the sake of accuracy, I looked up the actual definition of "Fascism." Read it yourself, and you'll quickly understand that Donald Trump is a fascist, and the people that follow him are a fascist cult. You cannot be an American patriot and be a fascist. Because fascism is unAmerican and anti-American.

Fascism also has to do with governmental control of industry, IIRC. But he's a fascist in all but that. He buddies up to strongmen all over the world, fawning over them as if they are to be admired.

In other words, the ultimate right wing (extreme Republican) aim is to make America fascist.

@Theresa_N That is because it is his aspiration and ambition to become one of them.

"You cannot be an American patriot and be a fascist. Because fascism is unAmerican and anti-American."
lol...but i feel for you ok
(not federal, no reserves)

@Petter i think that was accomplished under Woodie back in 1913? Dint he even basically admit it?

how long has it been since a 'murrican corp could have its charter revoked? brb, gotta go check muh roads 🙂

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