5 3

hate stupid. not people.

BUT, some people are so stupid, they would not even know how to dig a hole in the ground, and not even able to dig a half hole in the ground.

Word 8 Jan 20

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Move over Mensa and Triple 9! There is a new group of geniuses called the whole hole diggers!


How does one ascertain if a whole is a half or a hole is a half. I must be a "slow adult". Just what is a half of a hole.

You cut a hole in half and you get half a hole. It is not a whole hole.


They used to be called "retarded" as their learning ability was slower than average. Now we refer to them as "slow adults". Most of the slow adults that frequent the Howard Stern Show voted for the other guy in the presidential election. That should tell you something.


Ok. Hate this post

1of5 Level 8 Jan 21, 2021

You dig a whole hole, then put half of it back.

That's how it's done. Glad you could edumacate us on that.

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