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My mother says I'm going to hell.

Storm1752 8 Jan 25

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Non-Christians can't go to hell . Satan or Lucifer was an angel . He rebelled against God , so was cast out of Heaven . God had to be the one who created Hell . If God doesn't exist , then he could not have created Hell . If God doesn't exist , then Hell doesn't exist . Only those who believe in God , have a Hell to go to .


My mom calls me Satan. So I guess I'm FROM hell.

a Dark Angel...maybe...but with a kind heart.


Well tell her its her fault for giving birth to an atheist.

And God curses to the seventh generation, but does not say in which direction.


You can give her the answer I gave my family. I don't believe in heaven so why would I believe in hell?


No problem. That's where all the hot chicks will go…


Make sure to register when you get here so we can get you your gift basket. Plus, you can get a free breakfast for attending a brief presentation about Hell Ownership Opportunities.

I can see it now, a home owners board...


Do you believe in hell?

If not then it's not DIRECTLY a problem for YOU, it's a problem for HER - and that makes it become an INDIRECT problem for you, but only in the way it affects your relationship with your mother.

This, unfortunately, is the nature of such religious beliefs.

You cannot be hurt by a belief that you know to be nonsense, but you can still be hurt if that nonsense belief creates trouble between you and those you love.

Well said 😉


Good, tell her you enjoy a hot bath.🤣

SalC Level 6 Jan 25, 2021

Or, tell your mother to take 2 Aspirin and call the Doctor in the morning...LOL.


a lot of us here get told that frequently, welcome to the club!

Hopefully doesn’t create some complex

@Canndue I just consider the source.....solves it every time!

LOL, you're lucky, LOL.
It's an Even money bet that, like Sky Daddy, Old Nick has a Restraining Order out on me because he's scared competition....LOL.


Believers made up the concept of Hell to threaten people with.
It's just as fake as their gods are.
Just another attempt at controlling people.

Sorry your mom believes that.
Sorry she said that to you.

Yeah thanks it's just that she said it that matters

@Storm1752 I understand. It's hard to swallow when you know their delusions mean more to them than you do.


Last person that said that to me, I said good, I'll see you there.


Good. You'll see all your friends there.


You might want to look up how the concept of hell was added after the Zoroastrians conquered the Jews, and the Jews took on some of the Zoroastrian beliefs as a result. Yes, hell and the war in heaven was originally a Zoroastrian belief.

my understanding was it came from norse/angle scribes (who may have been zoro, dunno) gotta link? ty


Tell her with a smile: "Uh oh, Mom, you're violating Matthew 7:1-3. I thought Jesus' teachings matter to you, but here you are ignoring them."


So sad. Where does she think she is going?

The other place.


I've been told several times. The best response to really piss them off...

"Can you prove that there is a hell any better than you have proven that there is a heaven?"

Focus on their face because there is a lot of joy in watching it gradually get redder.

Got that right!!


Except there has to BE a hell in order for you to GO there !

A smile and hug, and "sure Mom" ...


Don't worry about it Friend, at least you'll be warm in winter, NO Praying, No going to Church and you will be in really great company as well...LOL


So don't go to your mother's home any more and avoid hell.

I aboided hell once


Tell her you'll send her a postcard when you get there.

Leelu Level 7 Jan 25, 2021

If it was my mom I would have to tell her that I'm sorry she feels that way,. 🙄 I hope you're all right 🙂

Mom’s do deserve a mulligan or two.....beyond that they move from mom to mother


Am trying to wash the last 4 years of hell off my body and erase it from my brain. Trouble is, all the Trump lemmings are still in the Twilight Zone. Like bazooka bubblegum stuck to the bottom of my shoes.


My Dad used to tell me that...Odd, he was also an atheist.


You shpuld listen to your mother, she knows best.


Your mother is delusional.


That's a shame. It's sad how the human mind works, sometimes. Faith enables people to accept ideas and concepts that would tear us apart, and actually run counter to our intuitions. When I became a parent, as my children grew up, I went from being a rigid, know-it-all hard ass to an open-minded softy, which affected everything from my politics to my religion, and eventual lack thereof. Your post immediately called to mind this quote, from one of my heroes, the Great Agnostic.

"The church has been, and still is, the great robber. She has rifled not only the pockets but the brains of the world. She is the stone at the sepulchre of liberty; the upas tree, in whose shade the intellect of man has withered; the Gorgon beneath whose gaze the human heart has turned to stone. Under her influence even the Protestant mother expects to be happy in heaven, while her brave boy, who fell fighting for the rights of man, shall writhe in hell."
Robert Green Ingersoll, Individuality, 1873

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