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Do you shine your shoes?

"Kathleen, you and old men are the only people who shine their shoes in Wenatchee," a friend teased ten years ago. I laughed.

It makes me feel sharp and well-groomed. I use the best cream polish on the market that conditions and protects the leather.

Also use waterproofing spray on my shoes and boots. It makes them last longer.

These black, narrow Italian boots in soft, buttery leather fit me perfectly.

What about you?

LiterateHiker 9 Mar 17

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I pay a lot of money for good quality shoes. It only makes sense to look after them properly by waxing them, as well as it being important to look smart.


I would but sneakers don't take polish well.......


I polish dress shoes as needed. I haven't worn them in over a year, it hasn't been needed in a long time.

I polish my dress shoes once a month as it keeps the leather conditioned.


I'll wipe the dust off if they've been sitting a while.
I don't own anything that requires polishing.


Yes, always. Even before I spent four years in the military.

A fail-safe giveaway for a guy who does not quite get it: The lower portion of the front of their dress shoes are scuffed, unpolished. Not a good leading indicator.

Before the military eh. I avoided doing so, until the military. Now, it is easy.


I grew up doing so and never stopped. Sneakers are just sprayed to attempt to keep water out.


Best shoes yes, working shoes usually wear out first.


Yuppers...a nice pair of Cordovan Penny Loafers...


I have some leather shoes but I don't polish them. The terms "sharp" and "well-groomed" are unattainable standards for me.


I rarely wear shoes these days, but when I do I shine them. Shiny shoes attract sexy women.


Even after getting out of the military I still shine my boots and shoes. They look good.


What do you use and where do you buy it. I have one pair of shoes that need polish and to be shined but it is so hard to find shoe polish these days. Dollar General now calls it "scuff cover."


I use SAPHIR Shoe Cream and Polish. After it dries, brush briskly with a horsehair shoe polishing brush to bring out the shine.

Also I love LEXOL leather cleaner and leather conditioner. The conditioner softens leather and prevents cracking.

You can get these products from Amazon.


have a nicely polished pair of dress leather oxfords ,but have not worn in years ,Usually have a pair of suede pull on that i s everything in including hiking,love the tread on them .Only when we get a lot of snow i switch over to snow boots or muddy conditions


I wear leather loafers (navy and black) with pants.

Sandals in summer.

Warm snow boots in winter.

@LiterateHiker I wear sandals also in the summer. but we have fairly neutral weather here and just in and out of your vehicle unless some extreme conditions comes other foot wear .Love that picture of you you and your dress are very beautiful


Thank you. I made that dress.

@LiterateHiker your a fantastic seamstree

@LiterateHiker so much talent in a fine young lady


I wear tennis shoes exclusively these days. I was never involved with footwear. I've got 5 pairs of shoes, that's it. My son is totally involved with them - I've never spent more than 80 bucks on a pair of shoes, and that was for hiking sandals. I polished shoes when I grew up and I really didn't like it, but I do other stuff too that most people don't like to do, so....


Where do you live? In eastern Washington State, we get snow in winter.

@LiterateHiker It might snow once a year here in NC. Honestly, I don't miss it.


I clean my sneakers every day while I walk. I hate walking in dirty sneakers or shoes. It's a shame for me. Apparently, my father was from another generation where all men were brought up so that their shoes were always clean and beautiful, and that's why I took it from him. Although I now notice that many young people always wear dirty sneakers, I don't understand why they do this, maybe it's so fashionable to do it now? Anyway, I usually wear tennis shoes, because I'm comfortable in them and shine them very simply and quickly. By the way, I usually buy them here -- [].


Yo dude, awesome sneakers, I really like them because they're so stylish. I would like to add these to my Nike sneakers collection, but unfortunately they are so expensive that when I look at their price, I almost faint. Someday I will definitely save up for them and put them in my collection, but not today, ha ha. So far, my favorite sneakers are the air jordan 1 high. In style they are not inferior to yours, but in price yes. However, they are just as flawless and comfortable. Such sneakers should be protected and cleaned almost every day, because they needl care. If you manage to buy Game Worn Michael Jordan 97-98 sneakers, then I will be insanely happy for you.


I agree with you . You are sharp and well-groomed .


Thank you!


I've met a few women who've told me that the first thing they check on a man is his shoes. They said that if he couldn't be bothered caring for his appearance he would be unlikely to bother caring for them. I'm not sure I agree with their reasoning, but I suppose they came across that idea some way. I figure that appearance is an easy thing to control and it gives me points for little effort.


I polish my shoes whenever I go to an event where I need to look spiffy. 😀


I don’t think your Italian boots will fit me 😂

So rare to wear anything remotely formal anymore. Used to keep up with work shoes. Our mus season is almost as long as winter. So brushing off the mud is a must


You're right about mud. Since Wenatchee is arid, we don't get much mud in town. Only with a rare gully-washer that causes landslides: rocks and mud. In the mountains, hiking trails are muddy after snow melts.

These boots look great in winter and fall. In summer, I wear sandals with short skirts.


Most of my shoes don’t need polishing. I wear sneakers most of the time. No snow here. I have one pair of wing tips for weddings, etc. I keep them polished for those, but they don’t need polishing often.


Did in the Army

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 17, 2021

Joggers won't work

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 17, 2021
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