You would think with new technology, Christian media would be getting better and better with its propaganda.
Nope! As if to prove that point, Creationist Ken Ham just pointed people to a song created by Answers in Genesis’ “artist in residence” Steve Hess explaining how God created the universe in six days. (Answer? Because. That’s why.)
(If you want to hear it follow the link and click on the sunset image. It's really terrible.)
Clearly, a gift of techy savvy and talent from God.
I'm reminded of those old local TV commercials that overused the computer effect for motion that looked like a pulsating Spirograph rendering.
Thanks for that mate, just when I WAS considering what have for lunch this comes along and spoils my appetite...LOL.
But since Sky Daddy worked for 6 days then does that mean the Sky Daddy worked 24 hours for a whole 144 hours?
If so is it any wonder he/she/it appears to be such an Anti-Unionist come Communist?
Did God apply for Over-time rates....LOL.
How come the SCRAWLER ( I won't use Writer as I see as being an INSULT to the REAL writers, etc, of this world btw) of this piece of unmitigated CRAPOLA forgot to mention that Mankind was 'created' on the 6th. day as well as the animals, etc, etc.
How, also can light and darkness be created WITHOUT a source of Light to begin with, i.e. the Sun?
I'd really enjoy hearing the explanations for this blatantly OBVIOUS Errors from the like of Ken, the Boneheaded, Ham and the Scrawler of this piece of drivel.
Oh, and btw, WHEN Sky Daddy decided to create Man, Sky Daddy, as proclaimed in the Goat-herders Guide to Galaxy, said, " Let US ( not the usage of the PLURAL and NOT the Singular) created Man in OUR own Image and thus bear semblance to Us."
Yes, I know that is how HUMAN Nobility/Royalty speak but that is NOW and since Man was supposedly created BUT Sky Daddy STATES adamantly that he/she/it IS the ONE and the ONLY True God so, why use the Plural in the first place?
Must be something else going thru life this way!! How Fulfilling!! Make an idiot of yourself!!
I clicked the link and had to stop coz I cannot listen to that horse shit.