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Can anyone help me escape religious groups. I'm littlerally stuck and almost hostage by christians who threaten everything from me. My living, food and more.

I need some advice on what to do and where to go. They keep me locked down and unable to move. Any advice is appreciated

askme 3 Mar 21

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"locked down & unable to move" with Internet.......

He hasn’t replied to any of the comments either

@Marcie1974 Could be a troll.


But they let you have internet.

You noticed. 😉


In order for anyone to “ own “ u and keep u “ locked “ down , at least two of those apply :
A) your wallet is depended from he / she / it / them .
B) he /she / it / them , have your secrets in a pocket

That has none to do w religions , that can be created within any tribe .

Come clean w skeletons . Ditch addictions if any , pay your own bills / life .

Hard to be owned by anyone when above in the menu .


call Christian Busters

Imagine a group like that!! LMAO.


Phishing are we!


Well you clearly have access to the internet so I’m going to assume this is a joke or scam post


Those pesky Christians. I recommend "Atheists R us" Guaranteed to help in any religious imprisonment situation.


Two questions ...

  1. Who are "they"?

  2. Are your physically imprisoned?


Grow up or grow a pair...


Call the FBI. Kidnapping is a federal crime.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Who are "they", specifically?

You beat me to that one. Nicely done. 🙂

Did you look at his profile? He says “Agnostic, Atheist, Free.” But apparently he’s not free? Lol


"Threaten everything from me." What does that mean? If Christians are threatening you with the wonders of their belief system you need to stop engaging with them. Avoid them. Do not get involved in religious discussions.


It doesn't seem like you've tried relocating, I would suggest that, but remember no matter where you go you're going to be there so that may be part of the problem.


Here is your opportunity to be an Atheist martyr. Hang on....... can one be martyred for lack of belief? Probably not. Oh well sorry, can't help you.


Sounds pretty illegal


You might want to try to change jobs. I'd suggest trying to work for a company with a national presence, as they would be less likely to have a religious presence in the workplace. I suggest Costco or Treder Joe's.

At some point, I suggest you try to relocate to a large city, where religion doesn't have as much of a hold on its residents. Or, there are many parts of Oregon and Washington states are not that religious. Most of California too, but California isn't all that affordable anymore.


It also takes willpower, in the same vein as quitting addictive drugs. It starts with acknowledging it’s a problem.


To begin, what state you live in?

Do you live in a Rural, Suburban or Urban setting?

Profile mentions Eagleville, Tennessee, if that is of any help. I wonder if he is in a cult involuntarily.

@anglophone Oh yes it helped. It’s a Rural area there. That’s where all the Trumptards and Evangelicals are, in the Rural areas of the USA.

@CuddyCruiser Thanks. Living outside the United States of Absurdity, I have no idea of how the mentally retarded people are spread across that country.

@anglophone The Rural areas are Republican dominated. The Urban areas and Most of the Suburban areas are the Democrat Strongholds. I am in Queens, one of the 5 boroughs of NYC, I’m a mere 15 min. Subway ride from Trump Tower.

@CuddyCruiser lucky you! Do you visit often?

@AnneWimsey I haven’t been in the area for a while.




If you can't beat 'um, join 'um.


get over yourself


There may be a help with understanding here.
Mormon church indoctrinatIon



I'm not sure I understand your situation but my initial reaction is whether you have any family in another state that could take you in for awhile. Religion is not quite as prevalent in some other parts of the country.


You look like a big boy. Act like one.


Where do you live??

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