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I think that I am ‘signing’ off from agnostics. It has been a pleasure sharing ‘trump scorn’ and special music and personal treasures. I need something else now, so be well and smile when a memory of of our time together comes to mind! It was quite a ride sometimes! 😅

Freedompath 9 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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You will be missed

Same here...


Thanks for all the well-wishes. I am reminded that to move on...we must leave the good and the bad (I had little of that to leave), but it truly has been a rewarding experience...even if my new friends were in fact, pics and typed words and not people that I ever met in person. That is the void that I am missing here! May all the people that crossed my path, know that I appreciated every ‘crossing!’ 🥰


Fare thee well & I hope that the companions of health, peace & fulfillment travel with you wherever your life leads you.

Thanks ‘friend!’ 🤗


Are you not curious as to how the site will develop? Look back occasionally.

I may not ‘look back,’ was the people that mattered to me and it would be difficult trying to find out about so many people. Thanks for response.

@Freedompath Journey well Sleep well.


Thanks for sharing your voice here while you did. Have a great time with the real people who are closer at hand to you.

Thanks! 🤗🤗🤗


Will miss you sweety

Me too!


You will be missed.

Thanks so much! I wish all ‘my people’ were here in my neck of the woods! 😥


Glad you were here and we could interact. I will miss you.

I will miss you too, Jack!


Sad to see you go.

I feel sad too...


While I understand your decision I hate to see you go. Why don't you pause your account for awhile while you decide to stay 😉 Hugs and best wishes.

You are so kind...I have been feeling ‘empty’ when ‘playing’ on the sight, lol. I had to be away for two weeks and I realize I need real people around me...if I had my way I would have all my favorite people here, right here so we could see eye to eye! Lol 🥰


I will miss your input here Ruth, but I understand your feelings. Be well and remember to email me so I know you’re doing good! 😘

I will Rhonda...😍🤗


I will miss you, take care.

The same on my end...but not forgotten!


Fare thee well, dear friend. You will be missed,..

We go way back, my friend! Your stamp is on me! Be well and happy...💝


Stay safe. You're a lovely lady.

Thanks that is so sweet...I will miss you!


Sorry to hear that. Your incite and wisdom will be missed.

The same here! It was a fun ride...🤗


It was always a pleasure to exchange thoughts with you through these interesting and tumultuous years. I'll miss you.

Thanks, I will miss you too! Funny, it seems ‘my’ people are a part of me!

@Freedompath I think that's perfect. [And now I'm tearing up ...] Be well.


Thanks for all your support, encouragement and words of wisdom.

Thanks and the same back to you! It was all great and I was enriched!


Everyone here is going to miss you and the wisdom of your comments.

Thanks so worked both ways! I wish I had all ‘the people’ near me, but life says differently! But I want forget...


Wow I miss you already yet respect your decision to leave and wish you well

Unity Level 8 Apr 6, 2021

Thanks and I wish you the same! 🤗


You will be missed by myself and others. You've already been missed these past weeks.

Ha ha...I thought about and missed the people here too, these last couple of weeks! But, I also realized that I am an ‘in-person,’ person and I am left lonely having friends, that I don’t know up close! (Ha ha)🤗🤗🤗

I am an introvert and neuro atypical so my needs are different. Go and be free.

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