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LINK The 5 Most Unique Cicada Recipes

Prepare yourself for a feast an no expense. Got hungry kids? America does & protein is what growing children need. I freeze them for a kindly death. Then remove the wings & legs tho it isn't necessary. Egg batter, roll in carbs, fry. Serve with an assortment of sauces that guests may choose from. BBQ, salsa, tartar, mustard, Worcestershire with horse radish.

Mooolah 8 May 6

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If I thought it was delicious, I wouldn't be able to have it again for 17 years. I'll be dead by then so I don't want to get a craving.

What an excellent excuse!


I know some insects are nutritious but never knew of anyone actually preparing them. Good for you.

I had a teacher when I was in seventh grade who said that during an infestation of locusts, people would go outside with paper sacks and fill them and then eat them like popcorn.

Thanks. "Ya just have to know how to prepare them. They just have their skeleton on the outside. The protein is the same. Southern Mexican cuisine turned me on to the practice.

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