Extreme religious practices in early childhood development is instilling more harm than any morals. Sunday school, catechism snd church for children are used as a form of negative discipline memorizing Bible verses to chant and pray when we make poor decisions to save our souls. We forced to believe that the holy Bible holds all our laws no matter how it may effect our friends and neighbors; and fairytales and fables serve as signs of hope. When is the last time we saw water divide or a burning bush talk or a shepherd staff become a snake? Even taking communion has created more alcoholics than forgive sins. Snd the priests and pastor are considered role models even when thousands of court cases have charged many child molesters and financial exploitation on the elderly.. so I’m still looking fir the wisdom. How did I survive the brain washing and hate? When does this evil stop?
I was Byzantine Catholic and to walk into church was actually frightening. When you walk into a Byzantine Church, you see statues that scared you, singing that sounded like a cult, Stuff in a cup that I thought was ice cream but then found out it was wafers and wine! A priest who swung a vessel on a chain where incense almost would choke you to death!
The evil stops for you when you see and reject all religion for the vile nonsense that it is, and all religious zealots (priests, pastors, mullahs, ayatollahs, popes, bishops, prelates) for the perverts that they are.
The evil will persist for as long as there are fools in the world who are stupid enough to believe what God Mobsters tell them.
i guess the evil stops when you read for yourself and stop believing all the crap other readers have interpreted for you? But i mean everyone does not have the experience you seem to have had, either. Anyway, when you read for yourself--as Paul did, purposely avoiding the other apostles for three years--you will come to see that the Bible is never wrong, just generally misinterpreted
he who seeks to save his soul will lose it
As with any truly good and great things, change takes its time, the longer it takes the better the grip it gets and stronger it adheres.
The eventual collapse of Organised Religion/s is, imo, one these things that NEED to take there time, happen slowly and steadily so it gets a GOOD grip, takes a firm and rock-solid hold and adheres firmly and immovably as well.