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Would you rather be crazy rich or deeply in love?

kensmile4u 8 Apr 17

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Love. Can’t live a truly happy fulfilling life without it. Money can come and go, but true love remains and if it’s the right kind of reciprocating love, wealth shouldn’t matter or make one iota of difference. I’ve been on both sides of the wealth spectrum. Love is love no matter the money behind it.

Thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you...

Yeah right coz there are loads of women trolling soup kitchen lines trying to pick up guys

@273kelvin I’m sure there are also woman in soup kitchen lines looking for love too.

@Hazydays After they have eaten.
Just a quick look at the responses here will show most of the love answers come from women and rich from the guys. This is because money is part of guys attractiveness. Or does Jerry Hall think that Murdock has a really GSOH? The women will assume that the guy she falls for is at least as financially comfortable as she is attractive.

@273kelvin I’m not denying that there are woman out there who are gold diggers. Yes, there will always be the Jerry Halls and Melania Trumps in this world, but your comment sounds as if you’ve already determined, grouped and labeled ALL woman to be liers if they profess love over money. You can’t tarnish us all with the same brush. There are woman out there who have realized, or experienced, that life, love and happiness isn’t contingent on the size of a mans wallet....or their own.

@273kelvin speaking for yourself, never been interested on money and I can brag I had pulled the prettiest woman in a club more than once despite my looks. If the woman is after your money, she is not after you. DIG IT? You reminded me of trump, all that money and still dealing with hookers.... Sad. But hey, you made your choice... you want money... I will side with the women, I want Love.

@Hazydays , It is not a question of gold diggers per sa but genetics. It is no secret that guys are naturally attracted to women with large breasts, wide hips and clear skin. This is because these are signs of fertility and the ability to raise their children. Money is male equivalent. It is all selfish gene. Of course money cannot buy you love but it does widen a guys chances of finding it.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I have been in love a few times and had very long term relationships. Often they have been tarred by arguments about money. Personally I would like to see what life was like with enough of it then see what happens

@273kelvin oh a seeker... see how happy unpresident trump is... he says he is crazy rich. And that he don't look like a man that needs prostitutes. Not caring for money been the feather in my cap. I wouldnt change. Never envied the ability to spend. Women in my life been told upfront, I don't take money to bed or to the dinner table. I let them pursuit money. Wouldnt be my kind. I been Rich, very rich in other ways... for better reasons. But it is just me... how I chose to be until I die.


You've got to be kidding. So long as the love is mutual, it wins hands-down over mere richness.

Sooz Level 6 Apr 17, 2018

Thanks for your comment. I agree with you hands down!


Consciously unrequited love sucks. Show me the money. That said, mutual crazy love is amazing.

Thanks for the comment. It would be nice to have both.

Love the answer and Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my favorite movies. Lol I have a lot of fav movies!


To be deeply in love one would be rich beyond measure.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 18, 2018

Thanks for your comment. I agree with you...


As long as the love is reciprocal, I'll take it. Money? I can make that myself.

Thanks for your comment. I like your perspective on this issue and i agree with you.


I’d rather be comfortable and deeply in love.

Thanks for your comment. If I had three wishes I would use one of them to have your answer.


Having been in deep unconditional love before so having that perspective I'd chose love hands down over being rich. No amount of money could be as amazing as the feeling of being in mutual deep "words can't begin do describe the depth of our love" kind of love. It is the most amazing human experience!

Thanks for your comment. Nice way to describe being in love! I want that feeling very much.


Crazy. Then I could be all three at once.

Thank for your humorous comment.


Thankfully, the two parameters are not mutually exclusive.
Going along with your premise...
There are two ways to live well in NYC (my realm of choice): with lots of money, or with just enough to get by.
So, wealth is really unnecessary.
Love is priceless. I go with it.

Thanks for your comment. I agree with you.


What if I were crazy in love with money? What then?

Then you better get some money or you will be deeply sad! Thanks for your comment.

@kensmile4u Fine advice were it the case.

You'd soon be just plain crazy.

@hellskitchman I suppose you would know more about vanilla loco than I.


having a lot of money don't bring you happiness,even if you have all the riches in the world ,but you don't have some one who will love you uncondtionally ,the chances are you will die alone.
yes you will have all your momey and of of your material possessionns .
but what good is it if when you die no body will be there at your bedside .

Thanks for the comment. I agree

I wouldn't die alone. I'd die with one of the people I purchased using Oprah type money.


This is easy. I would rather have love.

Thanks for your answer. I stopped chasing money many years ago. I have not stopped seeking love.


Crazy Rich- I can rent all the love I want LOL

Lol. Thanks for your comment. I agree that the crazy rich can buy a constant supply of any earthly pleasure. But can it guarantee true love?

@kensmile4u I would truely love to find out for myself LOL.


Me too! I used to chase the almighty dollar; did better than I ever thought I would .....didn’t make me happy, only made me want more.

I see friends who appear to be deeply in love.....seems much more satisfying than a big bank balance?

Thanks for your comment. I agree with you. Love is more important.


I already have Love, think I want crazy rich now 🙂

Thanks for the comment. It would be nice to have both.


I choose the one I've never had the chance to try: crazy rich. I think I'd be deeply in love with being crazy rich.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

Thanks for the comment. It would be nice to have both.


I'm already broke and crazy in love and it's pretty awesome. ?

Thanks for your comment. I'm jealous.

@kensmile4u we've been together for 11 years so I'm not talking about infactuation... real love... the good and the bad... unconditional love is so rare these days...

@M3G4N666 I had that once. I saw you mentioned alcoholism on one of your posts. Please be careful with that because that stole my only experience with real love in the past after 17 years of the good and a lot of bad. She fell a long way and lost her whole world.

@kensmile4u haha yeah... it sucks.. I also suffer depression and anxiety... i am currently on wellbutrin... which actually does help. My depression was a lot more severe off of it... just know that I am trying to better myself... but drinking alcohol is like dancing with fire for me... lately it's been very chill, especially with beers but I really just got to stay away from bars and hard liquor.

@M3G4N666 My ex started mixing alcohol with her meds. She got on a slippery slope after that and fell off the cliff. After three stints in rehabs I had to pull the ripcord for the sake of the kids. I got the kids, the house, and she had to make a new world for herself. She fell far after that and ended up in jail. She was a nurse before all that. So beware because this is a common story 😟

@kensmile4u luckily we don't have kids nor do we plan on it. I have been to many AA meetings and have heard many similar stories. I have already been to jail once and that scared the shit out of me.

@M3G4N666 I wish you all the happiness and success you want from life...


Rich so I could help animals

Thanks for your comment. That is a good reason to be rich...

I think so as I'm ok with my situation of not being rich.


Crazy rich. love hurts way too much

Thanks for your comment. Many songs have been written about the gloriously imperfect human condition called love.


Crazy rich...I have no use for love but spending money is loads of fun.

Thanks for your comment. Many share your opinion on this post.


Rich. I could help a lot of people. Love I can find if I want.

Thanks for your comment. Your practical answer is shared by many. But you have the most confidence for the prospect of finding true love.

I have no confidence in finding true love, but I do have the ability to attract what I want, might not last, but I have that.


Is it a zero sum game? If I was crazy rich, could I still have the chance to be deeply in love maybe at a later date?

Thanks for the comment. It would be nice to have both.

My though PRECISELY.


Deeply in love, there's nothing like it. The best drug.

Thanks for your comment. I deeply agree...


Crazy Rich!

I've been deeply in love, but it mostly made me sad, angry and disappointed.

Thanks for your comment. I had the same experience you did. But apparently i was not as jaded by it. I hope you hit the lotto. I'll keep searching for love...


I pick crazy!

JeffB Level 6 Apr 17, 2018

Thanks for your comment. hahahaha! Do you mean crazy rich or just crazy? Lol


Crazy rich for sure! 😛

Thanks for your comment. That's a practical answer that many share on this post...

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