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Received this latest post on my facebook timeline:
People mocking the emotions of cops from January through 6 insurrection and Simone Biles' Olympic decision really brings home that we're way past partisan divide and dealing with the fact that somehow, over the last half century, our predominantly religious culture raised a hundred million Americans without empathy.

think-beyond 7 July 29

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hey, just make money a vanishing commodity and then monetize everything, disallowing any genuine proxies for money, right? Greenbacks? assassinate lincoln. United States Notes? Off JFK. Gold dinars? WHACK
i mean you can rinse and repeat that, apparently, forever?

“inflation” is a completely normal phenomenon for us now, isnt it


First it's lack of empathy...then the sadists are let loose.

might be the other way around? dunno

Same thing happened in Nazi Germany.


Yup unfortunately

bobwjr Level 10 July 30, 2021

It's all about being selfish.


Good insight

A valid one


All of that just shows that all the crap from Trump's supporters about being for law and order, backing the blue, etc. is really just about racism and keeping colored people in their place, rather than any real respect or support of law and order, or any real support for cops.


Oh, you noticed. 😉


Mockery, lack of empathy, and stupidity were bred into many generations at least since the gilded age. More rich bastards.

And we are now into the second Gilded Age...


Without brains or intelligence.


Oh please

How does your post contradict what she said?

@Krish55 .mocking from Jan. 6th.

@CourtJester ???

4700 BLM demonstrations - 97% were peaceful.
It has already been proven the violence in Minn. was started by outside influencers.
Same with Portland, OR last year. I actually know people who actually live in Portland. They are real angry about how the media portrayed 2-3 city blocks as the whole city being on fire and under seige. NOT true and again it was outsiders who came in an started most of the problems.

@Krish55 Don't expect anything remotely intelligent from him. He's a clown.

@Secretguy I concur...CJ also claims to be a doctor when he was pushing drump-approved "cures" for Covid, and lately a pharmacist too.....

@AnneWimsey I’ve given you 100 opportunities to prove me wrong, but you’ve yet to taken me up on it. Much like CNN; just spout about things you know nothing about.
It’s always funny.

@CourtJester prove you wrong? I actually talked to the Alabama State Medical Board, they never heard of you...and I have actually been in your Tiny town of Jasper AL, where it would be hard to miss you. You forget, I am retired, plenty of time,, and enhjoy finding things out...good at it, too.

@AnneWimsey They have never heard of Court Jester??? What a shock. I must make some calls tomorrow and rectify this horrible issue before my paychecks stop being deposited.
What is most concerning is that you haven’t located me in a town of 13,000+ people simply by driving around when I live in the country surrounded by trees and don’t work here. I’ll also contact the city and county board and have them post a picture of my face and address on every billboard in the county.
Retired or working, liberals have never accomplished much of anything at all.
Freaken liberals….


I read and seen some of the cops testimony, but overall, I've been back to low dosages with the news. I had no clue that the rabid right was going after the cops who defended the Capitol and the Olympic gymnast. Such a hateful, mindless, bandwagon-jumping bunch. I get sick of staying abreast of US political news. Every time I think the country may be moving back toward sanity, I learn instead it's getting crazier.

I hope it gets better cos I don’t think we can keep seeing such everyday. It’s tiring


A lack of empathy comes with many different psychotic disorders. Which I consider MAGA to be a psychotic disorder.

redhog Level 7 July 29, 2021

I laughed at your comment, but I do think that it is a symptom of something that is not in the box of sane thinking.


Those who mock the said cops and Simone Biles are merely flaunting their own defects of personality.


Xtian love. Hypocracy at its finest


Fascist are going to commit fascist crimes.
They've always been there, but previously they were aware enough to keep a lower profile.
Now they have Facebook and they're clearly a bad influence on one another.
This could escalate into a hot war, which they'll lose for all the same reasons the Confederacy lost, but the damage to national unity will be epic.
This is what happens when ignorant people feel under represented and a stupid person rises to leadership that validates their hubris, because willful ignorance is a form of intense arrogance.
You can understand it when you hear these know nothings openly challenge medical professionals and scientist as if these professionals are every bit as ignorant as they are.
Why do you think I left Alabama, the most religious state in the country, and chock full of ultra dumb shits. Don't get me wrong there are smart people in Alabama but they're treated like shit and have no representation in state government.

I miss the time when competence had value, and ignorance wasn't a virtue, or at least it was safe enough to enjoy the delusion that that's how it was.

Very well put.

Well said, Willow. Thank you very much. And let's emphasize that our previous president did a LOT to encourage a huge throng of ignorant, fascist people out in the open to stoutly defend their right to be ignorant.

The alt-right started growing in numbers just prior to Obama being elected. Once he was elected and the Tea Party started, the alt-right grew exponentially during his two terms. They (neo-Nazi's) actually recruited Tea Partiers. I was telling people about it especially during the last term of Obama, but nobody believed it. I've been a member of the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and get their periodical with updates on hate groups. I seen a cold Civil War already in bloom before trump took office. He solidified the hate groups who rub arms with the not-quite alt-right religious folks and the culture that denies their own personal systemic racism. What a nightmare. And it isn't over yet.

Identifying the problem is part of the battle. I don't like thinking it'll have to burn to the ground before the willfully ignorant come to their senses.

@TreeSpirit The very idea of a black man even running for president really fired the haters up. If I tried to explain what you pointed out in your comment way back when Obama decided to run . . . well you know how that went.
There was a lot of willful ignorance on the part of those who thought a black president would help soothe race issues in America. I viewed the whole thing as a ploy by the gop to pass the blame of their huge ecomomic screw up onto not just the dems but a black dem. Sorta worked we ended up with moscow mitch, et al.

@silverotter11 I'm not the most positive thinking person when it comes to US politics, but a part of me did embrace The Hope. I wish Obama would have played hard ball with the GOP, but in the beginning, I don't believe he had full committed backing from the elected Dems. Politics within politics - he was a junior and now president. How dare he? A black man besides. Too many in the Democratic party are also willfully blind. The crap were in now should NEVER had come close to what it is. That filibuster should have been gone during the Obama administration. How many times did Harry Reid blow the horn about the filibuster and all it was was a bluff that the GOP didn't buy ... and here we are again.

@TreeSpirit The fact Obama was black was what created the alt-right due to racism in the public at large. To be sure the alt-right was around before but they were a joke with just enough political power to hamstring any Democrat administration. Conservatives have been cock blocking Democrats ever since FDR because they're scared to death another Progressive administration with the success of FDR will utterly destroy any further chance their incompetent leaders will be elected, and they're right.
Sadly we all have to suffer incomprehensible protest from morons and criminals that all hide in conservative political/religious organizations.

@Willow_Wisp And you know it all boils down to $$$$$$. USA is owned by corporations. They could flex their muscles more if they wanted to. They do a little so they keep customers and their slaves ... er employees buying into an illusion - while they're scratching backs to keep their taxes down. It's all about the green and if dividing the country and stirring up hate keeps the GOP elected and the $$$ rolling in, so be it. That's the political game trump knew well - buying politicians for his own end.

@TreeSpirit Yes $$$ plays a part, just so long as they can treat minorities like shit.
If they could make money from being kinder they'd be willing to sacrifice that $$$.
Racism is that strong in the United States.


Seems to be the trend. They're only empathetic when it's about themselves, the rest of us and the world can go to hell.

And they believe we are! - going to hell. 😂


I can agree with that finding. Thanks for posting.

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