Pretty sure it's a distribution problem. One of the many Covid related issues...
Undoubtedly stopped paying his suppliers months ago, get a new store!
It's the suppliers that are the problem. My store is having so many issues. I apologize to everyone out there that can't find what we can't get!
@AnneWimsey We’re actually an “alcohol beverage control” state, so our liquor stores are county-run.
North Carolina – Beer and wine can be sold in supermarkets and convenience stores. Other spirits must be sold in liquor stores owned by local ABC boards. The State ABC Commission controls wholesale distribution and oversees local ABC boards. Prices for bottles of liquor are specified by the North Carolina ABC Commission and are the same throughout the state.
@Apunzelle when I lived in Alabama, a bajillion years ago, they also only allowed sales in ABC stores, so I am familiar.
But the extreme emptiness of these shelves suggests the $$$ that's should have gone to the suppliers went to....??? (Drugs? Gambling? Something......)
Unless, every store looks the they?
@AnneWimsey I have no idea … I’d have to take a peek to see if other shelves are also bare. I have heard a rumble or two that the problem could be widespread.
Or the store has an inventory problem…lol
Have you noticed an increase in drunk drivers or vehicle related accidents in general?
I work at a liquor store and it's distributors that are dropping the ball, jumping up and down on it, and then kicking it off a cliff. I swear I am not the reason for the shortage!