Drive 'till you buy as they say and that's what my girlfriend and I had to do lately.
We were living in a rented house in Longueuil (pronounced Long-Eye) in the suburb of Montreal. But the landlords told us they were not renewing the lease, they were taking back the house and asked us to leave. So we searched real steady for a new house to rent or to buy, but the real estate market has truly gone nuts lately, the cost of housing has strongly increased since the beginning of the pandemic. All we were looking for was a roof above our heads we can afford with a fenced yard for our dog.
We made it. We found ourselves a new house a little further in the suburb, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. We had the keys a month ago. We did a whole lot of cleaning up, wallpaper removal, fixing up, painting up the place. We were fortunate to have a lot of help from our family and friends.
And we are moving this weekend. We look forward to having our first night of sleep at our new place this sunday night.
I hate moving. And thought of redecorating! Here it is a major exercise alone in getting agent's or landlord's permission. You are probably better of their with enlightenment from France. Here it's miserable Scottish Jews, I mean Presbyterians, control freaking German Lutherans or greedy happy slappies!
Here’s to happy times in your new home…bonne chance!
With family & friends to pitch in, you got a friendly welcome to a clean home.
Congratulations on finding a new place to enjoy new experiences.