Something not in the Bible that people think is.
The concept of sexual identity.
Universal gender rules for clothing and hair styles.
The ORIGINAL golden rule.
America as the promised land/Americans as god's "other" chosen people. I know, only in America.
Divine endorsement of capitalism as an economic system.
The Mor(m)ons rewrote so Amerikkka became the promised land.
How can he say that? Ha, ha.
Everyone knows Geesus was white and spoke English.
King James English, no less.
With blue eyes
Prohibitions against abortion.
There is I believe a set price for causing one, not sure what it would be in today's money, but certainly no biggie.....
@AnneWimsey But it wasn't a case of a woman seeking to end a pregnancy, was it? I've always read that as injuring someone and inadvertently or unwantedly causing her to abort.
@LucyLoohoo yes,voluntary abortion (herbs, I suppose) is not mentioned, only the actions of another causing one requires reparations
@AnneWimsey It's been a very long time since I read that collection of nonsense...glad you remember it the same way.