May older women have a relationship with a younger man? ****Or is that still a taboo in our enlightened society?
Thanks for all the comments , much appreciated. Life goes on and on. The weather has been amazing, the wine is great and all is going well at the moment. I'm very thankful.
After high school, when everyone finds it to be taboo when anyone dates someone outside of their class, people don't care as much.
The age gap is irrelevant as adults, but it does become relevant when the people have a generational difference and don't have much of a connection thanks to the difference of years.
I see no problem dating someone older or younger, but I can imagine a struggle when we share different stages of life experiences.
A good friend of mine was always attracted to younger men. She's married and divorced 5 times, all with men at least 10 years younger than her. Still at 71 she wants a 50ish guy. I don't have an opinion one way or another but she does not have a good track record on marriage.
Personally, as long as it’s legal and moral, age is just a number. There is an anthropological explanation why older women are attracted to younger men and vice versa. Older women have the sexual experience and desire while younger men tend to have the stamina and the desire to keep an older woman satisfied.
And I personally believe that you can’t really help who you’re attracted to.
If both people are happy, then go for it! We've only got one life, so make the best of it and make choices that will make you happy
Each to their own, as long as no one is being exploited and everyone is over the age of consent
In our singles club, one of the 72 year old in now dating a family friend, aged 51. She is petite and full of energy, men her age couldn't keep up....they are very happy, he is besotted!