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What to do about population?

The population of Humanity is growing exponentially despite the fact most reasonable, intelligent people are having less children than ever before. Are we abandoning the earth to religious people and idiots? What can we do about it really? Obviously genocide is bad ?

Ianwalker1980 5 Apr 23

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If what I see in the news is correct our over population is taking care of itself. Things are much worse in the last 2 years. Rather than government going all fascist and white supremacist, they could make new rules that a couple can only have one and a half children.
Some time back cows were a danger because of all the methane. The solution was to kill more cows. Today it looks like this idea is being applied to people.

for the rest of the world that's not a bad idea. If we got rid of 1,5 deaths would allow for some growth

Didn't work in China or Singapore ( .


I'm personally child free (ffs please don't YOU ppl give me crap for that too) but saw how society is stacked to expect kids; you can have 20 kids and MAYBE get a few odd looks but decided you don't want ANY and you get a lot of negativity.

I don't think we should LIMIT how many kids a family can have, but maybe work to further educate younger couples just how much work a child is and increase education about contraceptives so there's fewer accidental pregnancies.

YES.... educated women wait longer to start a family and have fewer kids. That's the only reasonable way to get it under control. And smarter women have lots of other societal advantages, too.


It's an interesting conundrum. You see all these books and movies and horror stories in China about how limiting offspring is an immoral and destructive thing, yet no one offers an actual solution to the fact that there are just too many humans. We also have people refusing to allow people to make their own reproductive choices, limiting abortions and birth control and not allowing people hysterectomies or tubal ligation without express medical necessity (even if it IS a medical necessity it's still hard as fuck to find a doctor willing to perform these procedures on a woman under 30 with no kids.)

And if you voice your opinion on mandatory sterilization, suddenly you're Hitler...


I could tell you about one individual that should be as famous as Einstein but history has decided to keep him in the dark because he did voice his opinion and came up with specific actions. His name Schockley. What did he do? Invented the building block of everything we enjoy today thanks to reliable and cheap electronics. Anyway, interesting story....


I had ‘the snip’ 3 years ago. Best thing I’ve done in my life. Huge weight off my shoulders. Child free for life. So there’s my bit done. ?

KenG Level 6 Apr 23, 2018

no kids here either

I also have none.


You are expecting way too much from humans.


Just continue with the same gun laws we have now. How about we give everyone a free gun. That should do it.

I think they're already giving free guns to mental patients, religious extremists, and white 'patriots" aren't they? Seems so, at least.


I'm thinking Mama Nature is handling it. Observe closely the results of climate change ... it may not be a problem too much longer.


Death penalty for parking violations


Encourage abortions... (too far?)


Exploding population is self-correcting. It's Biology 101.

....... Not trying to troll, ok? I think its a valid question. If exploding population is self correcting then why is the world now trying to keep up with the needs of 8 or 9 billion human beings (I've lost count, we are just too many)

@IamNobody just havent reached that self correction point yet. I am glad I am old

@IamNobody This was figured out by scientists a few years ago. Humans will cease to overpopulate when we reach between 9-10 billion. At that point pandemic disease and starvation will thin out humans just like a herd of deer.

I don't think its the same thing. This thread started with the proposition that population self regulates to keep it under control. I am saying no, that's not the case because population is way past the point of being under control. The point you're making at 9 to 10 billion is not control, that's self destruction after exceeding the critical mass. Both things are not the same


A good plague would help, especially for the anti-vaccers!

BillF Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

Unfortunately, many anti-vaxxers are actually vaccinated. It's their kids who would suffer 😟

WE DID vaccinate. And then watched our family members have seizures, paralysis, and occasionally die. I developed Ataxia within hours of a DTaP. Just because it didn't hurt YOUR family members doesn't say anything about the rest of us!

@TaraMarshall Ok. Why are you getting pissy? I was just responding to BillF’s comment about a plague wiping out anti-vaxxers. I was saying anti-vaxxer’s children would die from the plague, not anti-vaxxers like BillF was implying.

@joeymf86 , you've obviously never worked with a child who was vaccine-injured, let alone had to deal with it yourself. When you have, come back and realize why you sound like such a jerk.

@TaraMarshall Actually I have worked with children where the parents have said the child's illness was caused by a vaccine. Do vaccines cause illnesses in some children? Maybe, it could be a genetic factor that makes some children more susceptible than others. However, I'd rather have a sick child than a dead child caused by a disease that could have been prevented with a vaccine.

Neither of us are going to change our mind or each other's mind today or tomorrow. For some reason you are directing your anger at me instead of OP. That's fine. I just don't understand what made me "sound like a jerk." Was it me saying many anti-vaxxers are vaccinated? Why is that offensive? Or was it that if a disease like measles or polio became prevalent, that many anti-vaxxers' children would be more susceptible to getting and dying from that disease than a child who was vaccinated for it?

@joeymf86, diseased is better than dead? Right, so permanently disabled, with paralysis and an inability to function above the level of a one year old or less, having seizures all day, every day, and in constant pain FOR YEARS is better than having a disease such as measles that usually causes a rash for a week?!

You are well and truly indoctrinated. I've had measles, twice, with the vaccine as my only exposure. And guess what? My body still isn't producing any antibodies against measles. I had my titres run. I have no antibodies against any disease I've ever been vaccinated against with the exception of Pertussis... which I caught the year after the DTaP that left me in a wheelchair struggling with relearning how to walk for months.

And it's after that all my autoimmunity started to hit. Mind you, 1/4 of Autistic children have a Primary Immunodeficiency Disorder and 80% have markers for autoimmunity. So, take a population with known immune dysfunction and inject all of us with substances designed to activate the immune system.

Gee, I wonder why so many parents associate the onset of symptoms with vaccination...


War, starvation, and disease are nature's way of controlling the population.


It's time to end tax breaks and government entitlements for breeding humans.

We need population control and requiring licenses to breed humans.
The earth is dying. Humans have done a bang-up job of breeding themselves into a corner.


you didn't watch the brochure?

This movie was inaccurate only in that it did not take nearly as long as the writers had predicted to come to fruition!


I'd hate to say this, but some form of Eugenics or laws might be the answer. The moral questions come into effect then.


Humans are rapidly headed toward destruction of habitat of all creatures. Mass famine will ensue. I believe it is too late , due to climate change. Situation hopeless.


Soylent Green.

Solves world hunger and overpopulation in one go.


Don't and space have a way of sorting these things out.
. I also don't think population is an issue - we have the means of feeding and housing all peoples. Other people prevent it from happening for short sighted financial gain.


Some of y'alls answers!...damn!
How about teaching your kids to keep it in their pants & close their legs...
I'm 48 & NONE of my kids want kids. It's not rocket science...geez!
There's no need for genocide!
But then again, with some of these answers, I hate to admit, I see a need?

Emme Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

That’s exactly the point. Rationality makes intelligent people not want to have kids.
We’ve created a society where the smart don’t want to procreate.
It’s the natural order. The dumb will inherent the earth. Fine by me. I’ll be dead. I can’t watch anymore anyway.

@Emma think how things would change if people just had to wear wax lips


We need to create a race of terminator robots to reduce the population, obviously. Maybe set off a few nuclear weapons, I dunno. Feed people protein bars made out of people when all the plants die out.


The basic encouragements to overpopulation are religious, the "Be fruitful and mulitiply" crud that infests every religion. Here in the U.S., the religious exhortion to breed has been co-opted by retail and financial establishments who realize that people with children spend money-- A LOT more money than child-free people. Thus, every commercial you see on TV has children in it. Children, big cars, big yards, multiple computers/smart phones. The "consumer dream" is being spewed at us 24-7. Those who either cannot afford to conform to this model-- or who choose not to-- are subtly made to feel abnormal.


I'm afraid there is probably going to be a bomb dropping exercise at some stage that will take care of this. Hopefully I'll have died of natural causes by then. I leave no children to deal with the mess, I think it would be remiss of me.


Well for Starters the World's religions should start promoting contraception rather than condemning it. How likely is that??? World War III will take care of it long before that ever happens.


Well if the vaccination to sterilize is for real ( and it isnt) we could vaccinate some of the biggest nutjobs or the career broodmares of the religious world, like booze cut em off after two.


I support populatIon connectIon!


We are experiencing an artificial population bump because most of the babies born at a time when a high birth rate was necessary for the populaqtion because so many died young, are actually living longer lives. The current birth rate is not even at a replacement rate in much of the world, so once the older people from the days of a necissarily high birth rate die off, we are going to have a very rapidly declining population.

Unfortunately, Idiocracy wasn't just a funny fiction movie. People with certain kinds of intelligence put off having kids, sometimes until too late to have healthy kids or maybe any kids at all, and those who did had fewer kids, and the people with concerns for the population as a whole too often opted not to have kids, so any genetics related to certain kinds of intelligence or compassion didn't get passed along so plentifully as the genetics from the people who either only cared what they wanted (or thought they wanted), who didn't really think about it but didn't have anything better to do than have a bunch of kids, who were devoted to religions that ordered them to breed like bunny rabbits, or who just could not successfully follow the direction on their birth control. A few brighter, good people had some kids for various reasons, but basically, we unwittingly enacted a breeding program for psychopaths.

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