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LINK Russia-Backed TV Network RT America Shuts Down, Lays Off Staff

Yay! No more arguments with those here that post RT (Russia Today) the propaganda arm of Putin the Poisoner. I win. And you lose.

Mooolah 8 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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RT UK is off the air too.

Yes RT is a pro Russian biased station, but they have on many occasions broken stories weeks and even months before it was convenient for the stories to break on the BBC and ITN that proved to be true.
But now on the same news programs we are hearing how the "evil" Russians are shutting down Ukrainian and dissident Russian media and limiting information, and yet at the same time are reporting how the Russian RT "propaganda" has been stopped from spreading their left wing fake news, yet at the same time stations like Fox news and GBN are allowed to continue spreading their right wing nonsense.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Kris Kristofferson

Confuse the ignorant masses.


Can we get the Russia-Backed TV Network Fox to shut down too? Please..?

Long, long overdue!

Deport Murdoch

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