Where did God get the feminine nature to put into women?
The world could use a bit of femininity right now.
Helpmeet ---a helpful companion or partner, especially one's husband or wife.
A female helpmeet’s nature is quite different from a mans.
A man is to die for her. Not her for him.
In the beginning there was only God and all that is has emanated from him. This means that the female nature is incorporated into God’s image.
No man can be in God’s image, physically, because we are not androgenous the way Yahweh was. Men cannot think like women either.
Men today, like at no other dismal time in history, are sorely in need of a calming feminine helpmeet type, --- to end our self destruction, --- both ecologically and politically.
There is a female Jesus and or Goddess out there somewhere.
Nice if she would step up.
In part explination. There is good and there is evil. There is male and there is female. Tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Here is a video that explains in original language how Adam and eve were both together all along, then the "side" cut off and they come face to face. The explination from original language is a lot better than the English translation.
And yet nobody ever produces evidence to support the idea that this story is not pure fiction. Until you do, this gets treated like the fiction it is.
@Word wrong. The burden of proof falls to the person making the claim. if you say the Adam and Eve nonsense is true , it's up to you to produce evidence to support your argument. In saying I don't believe you, it is not my responsibility to prove it's not true. Have you never been in a courtroom?
@Deb57 Dishonest means INTENT to cheat or mislead.
Because I have no INTENT to cheat or mislead it is illogical for you to assert this erroneous sin of ad hominem fallacy.
If you are going to accuse someone of such an INTENT you are required to show proof that your accusation is valid. You can attempt to show proof of your assertion which the burden is on you for your assertion that you claim I am dishonest.
Her claim is that you have offered ZERO proof of your fictitious absurdities! And the onus IS ON YOU TO OFFER PROOF, not the other way around loser…..
That be why Deb stopped arguing with you! Because you DON’T have an argument. All you have is fairy tale stories. Now go back to Metabook with the rest of the flat earthers!
@Word Salad, you are making claims for which you provide zero evidence, and passing them off as truths. That's pretty damned dishonest. Intent doesn't matter in this situation. You don't get to make up the rules regarding integrity and then pretend that being disingenuous is somehow noble, depending on "intent." Something is either true or it's not, and unless you produce evidence that your claim is true, I am perfectly justified in challenging that it's not. This is not rocket science.
@Deb57 my post is claim? "THE" video I posted has a man calling it "traditional stories", the word myth is often used because there are things considered unverifiable about stories. The wrong assumption is to automatically call it false for lack of verfication.
Murder detectives do not just throw evidence away because it does not immediately get a killer arrested and convicted.
The story is information and just because some aspects of the information is not readily verifiable, does not mean the story is false to just throw it away as if throwing a murder weapon away before the killer us caught to verify fingerprints on the gun.
@Word more dishonesty. Go back and read my initial comment. You keep insisting that I asserted your claim is false, which is a lie. I asserted that it is fiction until you prove it is not, which is exactly how one should treat an unsupported claim. That is an entirely different thing. You might want to also look up the term "strawman fallacy," because I am tired of arguing with someone who keeps applying one.
If you claim you can fly, it isn't up to me to prove you wrong - it's up to you to show me it is true.
Unless of course, I get to defenestrate you from the 12 floor.
Well, fuck all that shit right down to the dirt. I'm nobody's "helpmeet," nor do I have any desire to be. Assigning gender to behavior traits is the height of misogyny and ignorance when we are equals, and any way we decide to behave is normal and appropriately genderless.
Also, there is zero evidence that any gods exist.
By their code words ye shall know them
not this shit again…..did you not know you were posting on an Agnostic site? You may want to take this happy bullshit someplace else. Oh, and finish your bio so we know who we are dealing with, unless you’re one of the religious trolls who only last a couple of days.
I have striven my entire life to be treated as, and treat others as, PERSONS.
Your attempts to force me into some 1800's concept of "womanhood" is offensive!
Given that no gods have ever existed anywhere in reality, the entirety of your post is nothing but misogynistic bullshit.
Traits do not have gender qualifications.
Suggesting that they do is completely false.
Women were not "created" by anyone or anything.
Neither were men.
We evolved from ancient ancestors.
Btw, there is actual PROOF of that.
Much unlike anything that anyone offers to "prove" their god.
GTFOH with that silly horseshit.
Evolution of sex is still a mystery. Recently there was an article regarding the presence of apparatus for sexual reproduction in organisms that reproduced asexually. Just sharing for the curious
You are not in Kansas anymore - did you understand the name of this website?
Hmm. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to research what the term "agnostic" means, you know, the word that is part of the name of this website. Then you might try and reconsider what you posted here in light of what I can only suppose is brand new insight for you. Unless you are trolling, in which case you are world class. LOL
Well, the bronze age goat herders who drempt up all the bible eye crud thought they shot the tiny humans out of their dicks...so
Go far enough back in to Judeo-Christian mythology and get past all of the priesthood censorship and you will find the God of the bible was once married to the Nature Goddess Asherah (after whom the Matel figure and cartoon character She'ra is named.)
Okay both He-man and She-Ra were created by the Mattel corporation NOT Larry De Tillo, he was only the chief writer on series one of the 1980s He-Man animation and wrote 4 episodes of She Ra, Mattel is a Hebrew name meaning "she is powerful", hence She-ra's title, princess of power Mattel was founded in 1945 by Jewish refugees the Original Mattel for whom the company was named was the grandmother of current CEO Ynon Kreiz .
She Ra (both versions) wear the symbol of Ashera on their top, the blooming tree, aka the Ashera pole
Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, as his wife and her chief priest was King David's minister of music Heman (he-man) the grandson of Samuel the prophet in both the Bible and the Torah.
Adora She-ra's real name in Hebrew: אֲדוֹרָה, is pronounced Adorah is an ancient Israeli city northwest of Hebron and was a centre of Ashera worship.
Many other names in the series She-ra and He-man are Hebrew puns and homages to Jewish mythology.
Orco means a violet lilly, Orco the wizard is basically an upturned flying violet flower head
Te ela means servant of the tree, Ashera being a nature goddess whose symbol is a tree.
He-man's real name Adam is obvious, the first man.
I was probably not the first to see this and I know I was not the last it is all over the internet.
Ra or Amun Ra was a male god, and a masculine word in Ancient Egypt, the female equivalent sun godess was Amunet Wosret Mut
What the fuck are you talking about, Willis? There are no gods, female, male or whatever. No Jesus, no Isa, no Christ or Christa, none, zero, zilch, now go bother other idiots with your crap.
Wow, you should go seek help with those anger issues.
That feeling that you don't measure up as a man really must hurt.
@AtheistInNC imbeciles in NC can't even understand the difference between disapproval and anger, while their own emasculated ignorance makes these imbeciles in NC project their own shortcomings unto others with higher intellectual levels these morons could never aspire to reach. Sorry dude, stupid is as stupid does.
And you are the best example of that. A true "Florida Man".
Thanks for the example of "how not to be a man".
@AtheistInNC wow, the imbecile from NC reacted late with a delayed moronic retort that reflects his lack of gray matter showing his ineptitude by plagiarizing my words. At least be original you dumb hick!
Unlike you, I don't live hunched over my computer, furiously fingering the keyboard and myself simultaneously while attempting clever repartee. So far, you've failed at the clever part, but I'm sure you've spent many pleasurable hours fingering yourself. And I'm sure that masticating and ingesting the results of your hard work are pleasurable to you as well.
I live in the real world, and occasionally open my browser for comic relief every couple of days - so that is why my replies are not sent the same day you finger yourself. I know waiting for a reply keeps you on the edge of your seat, but that just allows more room for your fingers to do their business.
I'm sure that if my self-esteem were as low as yours and I had no life other than anonymously lobbing insults at others from behind the safety of my keyboard, the things you have written would bother me ... but since that isn't the case, I can only look forward to your next attempt at offense. It's like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys flinging poo.
@AtheistInNC wrong again asswipe, don't even have a computer at home, just a crappy smart phone, enough to beat your imbecilic ass who only knows to repeat and plagiarize, now resume your self fucking with the horse dildo that you love so much.
With each reply you tell me more and more of what a sad, pathetic life you lead. No computer at home, just a crappy smart phone, single, fingering yourself trying to nut and not able to because of your erectile dysfunction. It appears you also have a horse dildo which you love, and the fantasy of being strong enough to fight physically. We can see that you have a big problem talking coherently online, so physically you probably aren't so adept - especially to get into a real, physical altercation with someone over the age of 8.
So to make up for all the things you wish you had, you go online to lash out at strangers, trying to make them feel the loneliness and remorse you feel for all of your bad luck, bad decisions, and lack of friends. I'm sorry your life has lead you to a dead end of self pity and self abuse, but you only have yourself to blame.
@AtheistInNC ok, now suck it, you love that too. You wish you had a life like mine, unfortunately for you I don't suck cock or stick dildos up my ass, but aside from that obvious difference, dick lover in NC is a brainless imbecile who can't even insult without plagiarizing or copying, you are pathetic as well as envious of things you'll never have, like a cerebrum.
Now you are just telling on yourself. You want to admit you love those things you accuse me of, but you just can't confess your love for your dirty secrets for some reason. So, by projecting what you really want to do onto someone else, you get that warm feeling that YOU are doing it, and you love that warm feeling as you thrust four fingers up your own bum.
How many times a day do you jerk off while you type on the internet? Oops! I'm sorry, I misspoke ... how many times do you ATTEMPT to jerk off (since we know that your limp little wee-wee is not capable of a full erection, it probably is difficult to really get to "that point" more than once a week for you) ? It must re really really frustrating for you to want to reach the ultimate goal, but fall short almost every time. But take heart! In baseball a .100 is a pretty good average ... so 1 out of 10 successful "at bats" for you can still feel like you are a successful, virile old man.
Does it give you a feeling of satisfaction, angrily pounding your keyboard while you pound your pud ? With all the vitriol and hateful anal drivel that you spew, you must like that taste in your mouth. I really hope you can take care of those anger issues, because you are just repeating yourself over and over again with every reply. Now you are showing everyone online that you are boring, and incapable of a new thought after the first two or three emails.
I await your reply with bated breath (I'll 'bate for you, since you have a problem finishing ... )
@AtheistInNC more copying. Be original. Oh, that's right, brainless imbeciles can't.
It looks like you are the one copying and pasting because your answers keep getting shorter and shorter. And Apparently you are copying and pasting the same thing over and over again ...
And, just to point out this little gem ... it appears "imbecile" is your favorite word (or your vocabulary is so limited that you don't know any other insults). You used it in every response but one, but you made up for it by using it twice in one of your anal spewages. I think you like it so much because it has three syllables rather than the mostly monosyllabic grunts you give. Or, it could be that you like it so much because you are narcissistic, and it has so many "i"s in the word. LOL.
So how does it feel to be so pathetic that you can't think of any other insult other than "imbecile"? That must hurt.
@AtheistInNC I only use the word imbecile to describe people who have no intellect, like you. I am brief because unlike you, I don't need to bore people to death with inane drivel like the ones you spew. Brevity is best, of course for idiots, morons, nitwits, stupid simpletons like you, this is incomprehensible.
Aww ... look at you, plagiarizing and copying from what I've written!
Come to think of it ... you are the only one who has done it in this thread.
Practice makes perfect though (at least, that is what people say) ! Keep trying, you'll develop a vocabulary better than Trump's 4th grade vocabulary soon!
My apologies for all the 3+ syllable words you don't know ... I know how you hate the dictionary.
@AtheistInNC projecting again dumbass, go continue fucking yourself with the horse dildo and realize that mental midgets are way more intelligent than you and less cock crazy, that's the NC hillbilly in you. Btw, when you finish fucking yourself with the horse dildo, I strongly suggest you return to kindergarten so that you get educated in basic reading skills, to be able to discuss your idiotic views and assumptions with others at your level, like toddlers with learning disabilities.
So after going back and forth multiple times, you finally start plagiarizing EVERYTHING that I've written. Nice. You look AND act like Trump.
Are you sure you are atheist? You sound like you idolize Trump ... and with that brown sycophant nose, I would guess you idolize him like a god.
@AtheistInNC what a hillbilly loser you are, no wonder you love donkey cock in your ass.
You have this fetish for Equidae ... is it because your appendage is so small that you are jealous?
@AtheistInNC jealous of you getting fucked with the donkey dildo, right. Dream on asswipe,.
Hey, thanks for all the points. LOL.
What a maroon.
@AtheistInNC some people fish for points, dumb cock in their ass loving hillbillies like you get points in exchange for inches, so be it dumbass, now go continue fucking yourself with the horse cock dildo you love so much.
I laugh every time you say something.
You seem to know a lot about horse cock, from the way you talk about it.
I'd love to hear how you learned about it, and what you've done with horses.
@AtheistInNC use Google asshole!
Apparently you have.
So how many times have you googled "horse cock" ?
@AtheistInNC fuck off asshole
I made my buybull class teacher very uncomfortable with that question. He said that gawd encompasses both feminine and masculine traits and divided them between men and women. I replied with, “so gawd is an hermaphrodite?” He changed the subject.
Christians hate questions that embarrass them.
Especially on moral issues.
Another closet xtian on a godless site.
What a maroon.
A lot of the oldest archeological finds are fat , well endowed clay figures of women . In theory , these originals were mother godesses , which predated male gods , assuming it was because life was created from women . This was before they realized it was nine months from conception to a birth . Women created life , therefore they were goddesses . Of course men became jealous and decided to take over , as their competitive instincts took over . In order to make themselves feel they were more valuable , they had to reduce women to their level . They've been at war ever since .
fresh new day, same old clap-trap
Women are STILL goddesses. They are the stronger, more enduring gender. If/when society wakes up, we will choose most of our leaders to be women because they don't have their judgment clouded by testosterone. (Like me.)
Women rule.
Men compete , women nurture . Relying on competition alone means you'll wind up with just one winner and the entire race dies out .
First, "God" did nothing, he's not real. Whatever differences or advantages you see in women are the work of nature. Male and female are a creation of nature, not some all-powerful, celestial being with too much time on his hands.
You're looking in the wrong place.