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Bwaaaahahahahahahaha... Where are all the feminist these days?

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 18

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This binary Trans gender crap is something I think I may never truly understand.


Most of these feminists are liberals so do not expect logical thinking that is circumvented by their knee jerk liberal mentality. In general even with hormone therapy etc these genetically advantaged individuals still have a physical advantage over their female counterparts. This issue is not about an individual that was born this way and deserves to be treated fairly and did not choose their desired gender orientation that I totally agree with ,but about the absurdity of permitting physically superior individuals that are not genetically females compete with females .


This may not be the most popular opinion, but hear me out as it seems most logical:
For a given sport there is no genetic advantage one sex has over the other and ALL people should be playing in the same league/games/etc. and the best athletes get the positions
For a given sport, one sex does have a genetic advantage such that the sport does need separate leagues for the sexes, and thus, it follows logically, that one should not be allowed to break that division.


You had me with you 100% until this:

this is all ignoring the fact that we shouldn't really be concerning ourselves with sports at all given the timeline for our collision course with the apocalypse. What apocolypse are you talking about?

Yeah, I knew that'd be out there for most people so I italicized it to signify that. It's a dream scenario that could never and would never happen because it requires both tremendous sacrifice and a collective understanding of the actual scope of the problems mankind is facing. What's worse about that combination of necessities is that if a certain (probably high) percentage of people actually did understand the reality of our situation, they'd become apathetic with the futility of it all and be just as much or more of the problem than before.
That said, for people like me who would raise that objection to my otherwise flawless logic, I like to mention it so they know it wasn't an angle of the situation I failed to contemplate.


I sympathize with the suffering of Transes and should Not be subject to discrimination, harassment, or other mean or inequitable treatment because of their gender expression or dysphoric condition.
But The Fact is Sports competitions are seperated by Sex, NOT by Gender, with regard to male-female natural physiological differences.
In the Sports arena, we talk about a Professional scope, where activist spends time, money, and all the effort to compete in a Fair situation.
The important point is We can change our Gender/Secondary sex characteristics (surgery and exogenous hormone therapy), but every cell in the body still remains Sexed.
Transwomen are transwomen, Not Women. the social effort to ameliorate the suffering of trans people should not come at the expense of female people.
Labels/Titles like "Woman of the year" is to inspire others and respect/appreciation efforts, then Why we can't have "Trans Woman/man of the year" ?

BUT the Important Question is :
Why we can't accept and respect them as who they are, Due to we can't deny biological facts and obvious differences?!
Why can't we expand our social perspective and definitions, positions, rules,... all for them ( it's their absolute right ) ?! when we recognized Trans-x as New Gender, why still we insist to fit them in old rules/boxes ?!
After All, Don't Forget SEX is totally Different Matter than Gender, pls don't Mix all together, which makes so many misunderstandings.
I have to mention again: I am Not transphobic, I do not fear, dislike, or hate transgenders. and I know they have rights as humans like everyone else. like every living being. I just think we have to face it logically, not emotionally 🙂

Diaco Level 7 Mar 19, 2022

U are actually right and this comment of yours helps me think better and understand what I hope for this issue . Yeah , u are right .


What is exactly the problem ?
That are different than the “ norm “, or that they have the desire to claim life as they feel it?
Do u think these folks just woke up one day and decided to claim different gender just for shit and giggles ? Do u think is easy for them to admit to parents , friends , teachers , neighbors , relatives that it’s not what it looks and they won’t to be as close as possible to how it feels ?
What would u do if u had a son in this position ?
Would u tell your son to hide it , that he is confused , that this will pass , and that “ it is what it is “, don’t try to change it ?
Would u tell your son that he needs to wait until they have some type of sports for other leprants like him ( apparently ), and he should not compete w normal “ people ?
I value sports very little in general , so I don’t give a big shit about , but I understand that most highschool kids I ve met ( coaching basketbal at recreational level for years ), they don’t give a flying fuck about their competitors anatomy .
Kids are more inclusive and nicer than assholes adults , and I find this comforting at least 🙌

The 7th great short skinny girl who can dribble but not pass , do u think she plays sports bcz she is hoping for a scholarship ???😂😂😂 . Do u think today , the goal involving kids in sports is fame or money or degrees ? I laugh at these parents . And their kids laugh at them too . The goal is to keep kids away from drugs . Away from watching a device all night long . Away from suicide and depression . That’s that .
Have u seen a 6.2 , 180 lbs white girl playing highschool basketball ? I have . She has two left legs and I rather watch grass growing than her running . She could had be a man all day long .
Size does not intimidate my other players . My 5.5 girl scored the most a month ago , and she couldn’t care less how big or how tall anyone else is . Or if there is a dick in the shorts , so to understand I guess .
Does it matter to u if a writer , a politician , an actor , a scientist , a doctor is a trans ? Y ? R u going to sleep w them ? What do u care for ?
Do u think people in professions walking around all day thinking w their genitals ?
Are they taking something away from u or your kids or your rights ? Is your paycheck any shorter bcz Bob is doing hormonal therapy ?
I don’t get it man , I really don’t .


It's a man's world

Tejas Level 8 Mar 18, 2022

And i have no problem with people living their lives as they see

I'm fine with it on most levels. But I don't agree Trans athletes should compete with non Trans athletes. They should have a separate division.

@Tejas R u for real ? Say that to every white man that made it to nba .

@Pralina1 I'm not seeing your point. Trans persons take drugs that effect their biology, which could either help or hinder an athlete. A trans woman potentially has had a life built on male biology giving them a lifetime of testosterone and advantage over biological women. What does this have to do with race at all?

@Tejas first of all , if u think that the hormones and the therapy goes nice and easy , then u have no clue what these folks going through every day . That’s that .
Second , in sports , except if we are going to do weight / height category , every thing goes .
Women won’t stop playing sports bcz few trans women want to play too .
If u can’t understand the NBA reference , then basketball is not for u .

@Pralina1 there are rules against performance enhanceing drugs in sports for a reason. There is also a reason most competitive sports are split between men and women. If men were allowed to compete against women in all sports, men would dominate 98 percent of every physical sport. For competition sakes it's wrong. But if you want to ruin athletics for women then that's on you. Not to mention the millions of dollars that wouldn't go to athletes like serena Williams, its more than just competition at sake its people's livelihood. You can argue against science all you want, but you will be just as wrong as Christians. The science of biology is written in stone at this point.

@Tejas ruin athletics for women ? Million of dollars ?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂tell me what the top nba players makes per yr , and tell me what the top wnba makes .
Listen . Point is. Sports and rules have to change . For professional athletes . Not for middle and high school when kids suicide every week .
The two genes thing is over . Either we adapt and make rules to accommodate / include , either we pretend is the 50s . I am sure all the big money of the sports hysteria in this worthless country we live will eventually make rules that does not short women or takes the right of trans folks to compete . I am not smart to know what those rules can be / should be . But I do know that not all of the sudden the American men give two shits about womens sports / rights / money . Please !😂😂😂😂😂

@Pralina1 your arguments are all over the place and nearing incomprehension. Im trying to argue reason and you appear to be arguing emotion. If we make all sports coed it will be male dominated. How is that not shorting women?

I always wanted to be a lesbian in my next life. Why wait?, just go to my Canadian doctor tell him, I've always felt like a woman. And then I can change my ID to female. Then go to all the locker rooms, washrooms or even prisons and have my wish and pick,


Combine the open sex and drug Olympic games

@Tejas "..then men [will] dominate....".
Like Bobbie Riggs?

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