Given the store is called "Fiction" I did my due diligence, and indeed, these are real and rather fascinating.
My connections to Yoko Ono and her "cancer" singing mentioned by this article is polar opposite pun intended.... She partially funded the World Peace March from SanFranciso to the UN in NYC 1985 1986 as I recall television show followed the monks nuns and assorted marchers from Living History Farms to the Jasper County Fairgrounds ...a Thurday evening and 2 day camping camera trek on my feet ending Saturday evening....her latest book makes no mention of cancer but does describe the problem short she wrote THE WAR PEOPLE ARE IN COMPLETE UNITY and peace people are refusing to unite behind a single message.... John Lennon never climbed Georgia hill country murdered by an xian in December almost 9 months after my 28th birthday March 22nd 1980 ....I was busy then with the Jerry Brown Presidential Campaign neither EMK nor Jimmah & Fritz were my comrades to Iowa County District & State Conventions...why Edwin Moore Kennedy or Raphael Cruz JUNIOR use the pseudonym TED as an alias is another meaningless Harvard mystery
"Terrible"? "Sinister"?
Put up in 1980, so no doubt there are (public-record!) land sales/conveyances & perhaps building permits.....with the names of everyone involved....