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How openly atheist are you?

I've begun making a point to express my atheism more. It's out of a frustration that so many Christians in my country act as though they're being persecuted, yet I've felt the need to be cautious in declaring my lack of belief. Several co-workers know I'm an atheist now and there's a measure off respect when it briefly comes up in conversation, I feel. What about you? Are you annoyingly openly atheist or is it mostly a secret? Or somewhere in between?

Michurr 3 Apr 24

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I'm openly atheist. I just can't stand it when someone says they will pray for me. I always say don't bother but I appreciate the thought. My mom even has accepted I'm atheist now. My daughter is atheist too. I just feel intellectually stronger. I enjoy listening to lectures by scientists on atheism but it is not a religion. It feels funny to explain that to people. And I don't hate religious people just because they follow a religion. I just sort of feel sorry for them because they are brainwashed. I was once one of those legions but always knew it was ridiculous.

Completely agree.


I am who I am and that is atheist. I am entirely open. That way people can blow me off quicker. lol I don't want to be hung up on god conversations anyway.


I used to enjoy wearing a Born Again Pagan Tee to the grocery store on Sundays. Nobody chose to debate me. I wear a RESIST button on my favorite hat. I write Agnostic on all paperwork, including Hospital and Dr Records. Nobody reads that stuff anyway.


Totally open but I don't flaunt it. It doesn't generally come up in conversation. If asked, I tell the truth. If they are proselytizing I'll politely shut them down. If they keep it up, I'll walk away or point out all the logical flaws in their arguments. Depends on the context and if it is a random stranger or someone I should maintain a relationship with.


I do not wish to hear about others beliefs in the grocery line, a card party, or anywhere else. I extend the same courtesy to others, unless asked.


Anyone who doesn't know hasn't been paying attention. I've very open about the fact that my mom bribed me to get me to attend church and I don't buy into any of that foolishness.


It is just a question of manners and/or kindness. Keep it to yourself if you have accepted an invitation to a church wedding, do not mention it in response to an obviously well intentioned "God bless you" from a kindly old lady, in short, do not give offence gratuitously. On the other hand, let rip when the Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons come calling at your door !


Very open and honest. Loud and proud. ♥
Take it or leave it.


Your more braver than I. I haven't openly expressed my new beliefs or told any one I'm an atheist. I'm sure it would go over as well a lead balloon.


Somewhere in between. If I know someone else is atheist, I will make a point of making sure we connect. But I don't usually advertise it.
If religion comes up in casual conversation, I will casually mention my atheism.


I'm fairly openly atheistic, but I live in the UK where it's not really problematic to be so. My (Atheist) daughter is a schoolteacher in the US and she has to be much less open about it.


I'm an open atheist & changing the views of many people. I explain to my friends, if I was in a cult that had me believing stuff (without even questioning it) that isn't true wouldn't they try to get me out? It's all I'm trying to do for you. I tell them & then end with please ask me any questions you'd like You'll find atheistic answers make far more sense then what you believe right now.


I don't wear it on my sleeve, but if the subject of religion comes up, I have no problem saying it.


big A on the back of my van


I am open and Public. I sport the Scarlet A all the time, almost daily.
I used to drive west coast to east coast twice a year, and I always flagged for that trip. I wore an over vest with a backpanel as below, back and forth through the heartland . . .
I am wearing it in that photo on my profile pic

I have a bumper sticker that reads " I am not afraid of god, it's the people that created him that scare me" I have had nothing but laughs and positive comments about it...

Where can I get one? Evolvefish? @RobertEdy

@mratheistshirt bought a t shirt and used that for the backpanel

@mratheistshirt, @RobertEdy Pretty much the same, even in the Bible belt. Most comments are from other Atheists who thank me for the laugh, believers. behind me in line mostly, mumble but never speak up, or just shoot me looks.

My favorites are when I help someone (I often do, its the human thing to do), open a door, help to your car when loaded down or what have you situationally, and then after I help they realize, and react like a dog hearing a fart noise.

For me this is also socio/political. Most religions sport religious Iconograpghry in clothing and jewlry, some very dominantly, like Islam. Few stop to contemplate the inherent bigotry involved in that.
If someone wears a Cross, just a simple little cross, they think they are proudly and simply declaring their faith, their love of God/Jesus
BUT because of the Dogma they are also implying that everyone NOT like them is totally full of shit and bound for eternal hellfire.

Atheists having clothing which openly questions religion is again, the heckler in that hushed auditorium listening to the Priest drone on . . .

Davesnothere. I like it. The old cheech n Chong bit right?


I am openly atheist. All my coworkers know. I don’t start discussions about it but I don’t hide my opinions about it. When dating I bring it up before meeting someone in case they have a problem. Keeps me from wasting my time.
My family is well aware. And my kids are atheists too. So no issue there

jab60 Level 6 Apr 24, 2018

I just moved to Oregon. I was looking for a job until today. I'm the guy that wears the t shirts into town and has an "atheist inside" sticker on my car. My biggest concern was my face book account, I actually considered removing it all together. I don't talk about atheism or religion at work but a new employer might be concerned. If your curious why I was concerned here is a link to my face book.[]


I believe everyone should brag about the boiling of offspring in Kings 6:29.


I don't need to often as the topic rarely comes up here in good ol' Blighty.

I don't hide it though as I have never believed, even as a child.

You comment did remind me of my farceburk profile though, where I have listed my religion as "Atheist - not currently practicing"


I'm a firebrand all the way!


Yes I'm very out with it. Of course I don't meet people and say "hi, I'm ...... and I'm an atheist pagan. What's your name?". But, if religion comes up and I'm asked, I have no problem revealing it.


very but I don't talk about it unless asked because I don't want to talk about that shit for any reason.


Open enough to where my sister stared dead at me with a huge grin for like 10 seconds at her wedding three days ago as she stood by the end of the aisle and the minister said "Now I expect everyone in attendance to join me in prayer..."

Was so hard to not bust out laughing lol


Just know your audience. Some people like to be antagonistic about it which really annoys me. I have great respect for Christians and do not like to go around thinking I am right.

elaw Level 4 Apr 25, 2018

It depends on where I am. Back home, I don't talk about it with anyone except some family that I really trust, because the rest of my family would not take it well. Anywhere else, I'm the opposite of shy about it. I don't bring it up out of the blue, but if religion comes up in conversation, I'm there.

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