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Is anyone else sick and tired of all the Superhero movies?

I remember thirty five years ago how I loved the movie Superman starring Christopjher Reeves and Margot Kidder. They didn't have all the CGI effects back then. Now CGI seems to be the biggest part of a Superhero movie. The only one I have liked in the past ten years is Deadpool. It had a great story and Ryan Reynolds has a fun personality.

ebdb 7 Apr 25

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70 comments (26 - 50)

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Yes. Just a noise delivery system on many of them. Agree that Deadpool was very fun, but as noted it was a different type of movie. Also, movies like Fast/Furious.
I just look at it that they are big profit makers for the studios, especially in the foreign markets and that they allow the smaller dramas and comedies which I do enjoy to be made.


I've given up on the whole superhero genre.


Oh, and I canā€™t wait for Deadpool 2!


Yes. Give me a good drama instead.


I am SUPER tired of them! They have become SUPER BORING! Is that not a SUPER answer? ?


Not me... but I'm kind of a nerd.


I rarely go to movies. Have a large 55" projection tv still works(knock on wood) and watch movies at home On Demand, HBO and SHO. So if I want to watch it I can - if not in the mood I don't.




I like them because I liked Superheros as a kid. On the other hand, if you watch TV today everybody is a Superhero. Supergirl and the Flash are like this. Everybody has a super power. The Black Lightning series was the same way. Maybe the message is that we are all "super" in our own special way.


Hell no! This is comic book heaven for all of us who only dreamed of this kind of fx as kids. Some are better than others, but I go see them all!


I don't care for them but to each their own.


Nope. I enjoy quite a few of them, and it's something I can do with the small humans.
I just take them for the entertainment they are.
Btw, I liked Deadpool, too. Looking forward to the sequel.


I'm just sick & tired...

((( Charlene ))))

@Qualia (((((((((WHAT?)))))))))

@Charlene I"m hugging you!!! šŸ˜› (WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT) šŸ˜‰

@Qualia hugs are good!!!


They are the 70's comics in film
something we could never do before
So new and yet nostalgic

Like all trends it will burn out over time


I'm sick and tired of posts that begin "I'm sick and tired of...".


So long as they keep making good, summer popcorn films that keep me highly entertained for two hours, they can keep making as many super hero movies as they want.

But I'll give up every single planned super hero movie from this point forward if they'll just get Michael Bay to stop making those gawd awful Transformers movies.

Really looking forward to Deadpool 2!


I like the Netflix series,' Jessica Jones', very different type superhero, about the only one I care to watch now. Less CGI, if any and pretty good story lines.

You should check out Daredevil, that's pretty good too. And any Jessica fan should know all about Luke Cage, too. They never had sex like that in the comic books.

@zeuser The sex scenes in 'JJ', could make someone to stay in the bathroom a bit longer than usual.


Hell to the nah

Marz Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

The Lego Batman Movie rules.
When Downey Jr stops playing Iron Man (get rid of Iron Patriot, please) and Deadpool end, I'm done with them.
Of course there will still be Star Wars, Pacific Rim and hopefully more Godzilla movies to come.


No--I take my grand kids when they want to go. Just part of being a grandma--then I go watch my kind of movie.


No, never watch them so can't get sick and tired of them !


YES. I now refuse to watch any of them unless there is a lot of irony and humor.


Yeah, enough already. I don't know about you, but they talk about CGI costing millions and state of the art and all that, but to me they look animated and unreal, almost cartoonish.The best special effects are those you just accept as looking real without thinking, Oh what a great effect. I agree with you about the old effects in the past, yet they didn't have the tech then. I fear these superhero movies will continue because they don't know what else to make and making huge profits is the only goal. When these hero movies finally start to die consistently at the box office, what will they do? I think the feature-length movie as a form is on its downward run. We'll see.


Yup. And Star Wars.

Iā€™ll go see Deadpool 2, but only since it skewers the genre.


Iā€™m not a comic reader but I enjoy Superhero movies. Already have tickets for tonights showing of Avengers: Infinity War. I may not understand the shows like a comic book reader but I still enjoy them šŸ™‚

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