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Don't hold your breath.


The best way to stop this nonsense is to hold people to their predictions. If the rapture doesn't happen, we still get to keep their stuff and they have to leave to live on a desert island.



I wonder if I could make any money off "Rapture survival" shirts/ bumper stickers? Have a line thru all dates weve lived through


Massive delusion !! What I don't get is how he hasn't seen that he discredited himself (or did he) .. just wow. lol.


Yup, and the next 6 months, and then next xristmas, then July 2019..........


Predict “the end of the world” daily. One day you’ll be right!

Ungod Level 6 Apr 25, 2018

Broken mechanical clock logic..he he


Ya have to admit, this one had some credibility, with Trump in office!


You people got it all wrong: He was not predicting the rapture, he was predicting the rupture. If you would check the hospital records yesterday, you would see he was taken to the hospital suffering from an inguinal hernia which is another name for a rupture. See, he was right after all.

That`s a bit bellow the belt lol


If you ask some people, it already happened. Funny thing is he's down here with us still lolol

So he will join the nations of the Earth together? Wouldn't that make him the anti-christ, too?

@MacTavish Yeah probably


Never give up!

Until you realize it’s smarter and better to QUIT!

Goddites don’t realize this.

Don’t be like them...

@Ungod The message was for them. Year after year, the anticipation, the disappointment, you gotta love it. ?

@Sticks48 !!!


Oh good. I'm glad it's still going to happen. I wonder what the deal is with all of his bad predictions

@SAGECOACH - Yeah, well god’s gonna have a lot of explaining to do when we meet... He supplied THE WORLD with the illegal drug menace CANNABIS which caused many, many people to be incarcerated and killed!!

@SAGECOACH - Sure he does...

@SAGECOACH - I'm amazed at how people, some quite intelligent mind you(!), are struck (indoctrinated) so STOOPID as to actually believe these Holy Fables!


It wasn’t the first such prediction and won’t be the last. I just ignore it and don’t legitimize it.




This Christian nut's delusional reaction was entirely predictable. They can never admit that they were stupidly wrong. Loen Festinger got it totally right in his book, WHEN PROPHESY FAILS.


Conservative..."Christians" LOVE all the talk about nuclear war and destruction. They really believe that destroying the Earth will send THEM all to their fantasy theme park, HEAVEN! Boy, are THEY gonna be disappointed! But it IS sad to think these clowns value DEATH and the unknown over LIFE here and now! And they call themselves "pro-life"!!??

Exactly right. I have had this conversation with a "believer" at work - we actually have reasonable discussions about most things, which surprised us both! But two topics she would not waver on. End times (they want the apocalypse! DAMN dominionists, damn fearmongers) and Israel - when I mentioned I was anti-Zionist she about blew a gasket. Well, she said - if you were a Believer.... Sigh. I guess we are back to discussing Hebrew translations - much safer territory.


Rapture party!

d_day Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

Actually, his original prediction was correct. The rapture happened. All the pure hearted christians are gone.


They forgot to carry the one, they'll get it right next time...


The thing is every society ever created has collapsed. So predicting the collapse of our current society isn't exactly prophetic. I'm certain that the Philistines at the height of their empire never imagined those ignorant Hebrew brutes would ever over run their relatively sophisticated culture. All it took was a drought.


Hahahahahahaha you can always tell the believers, as their hands are always brown, from holding them over their asses, while waiting.


I would say this one has gone through the whole gamut: ridiculous, lame, funny, weird, crazy (I am struggling not to say stupid... Oh well there you go)..... It really floors me to think there are people who think this is real.... That's just beyond me


Oh...there goes a flying pig!...perhaps you were right, but I doubt it.

RonB Level 5 Apr 25, 2018

If at first you don't succeed with your predictions, just broaden your parameters. Even a broken clock is right twice a day and a weatherman can be wrong about his prediction of rain today but eventually it will rain. We may have to wait a lot longer than sometime this year for the end of the world, I certainly hope so, lots to do yet without that kind of time crunch.

It is ironic how centric humans are. When we say the end of the world we really mean the end if "our" world.

@RedskyRiver Exactly my thoughts as well, even if we puny humans burn the planet to a cinder with nuclear weapons and exterminate all life, the planet will live on. We think in such tiny timelines at are nothing on a planetary scale.

@Surfpirate - We could never “exterminate all life” imho...

@Ungod Agreed, a nuclear winter would knock out all of the higher order creatures but the spark would still be left and from that another crop of higher order creatures would grow. I should have been more clear.

@Surfpirate - I don’t think ANYTHING that happens, short of complete destruction of the planet, will kill off the TARDIGRADE!

Even that would take a while to wipe out the TARDIGRADE!

@UngodYes, the little water bears will live on no matter what as would some of the deep subterranean life forms and certain bacteria, plus we should never underestimate the ignoble cockroach. Anything bigger than a squirrel would probably be in for a very rough ride, although Mother Earth wouldn't care a bit.


He is in it to sell books.


Hha lol

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