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How were you punished as a child by your parents?

When we didn't listen both my parents would hit us with a belt. Sometimes I got lucky and my mom wouldn't hit us and she would tell my father when he got home. I put on every pair of underpants I owned and screamed extra loud so it wouldn't last so long. A couple of times my dad hit me over thirty times and left big welts. This was in the fifties and sixties and I think it was the norm for that time period.

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ebdb 7 Apr 25

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There was lots of hitting and spanking. Other stuff too. I don’t spank my children.

Hitting people (children are people) doesn't send the right signals. Don't get caught and you won't get hit. It does nothing to deal with whatever the crime was.

I am embarrassed to say this, but when my oldest daughter was two years old she ripped up a professional photo we had taken at Olan Mills. I got angry and spanked her with my hand on the butt. The next day when I picked her up from the babysitters she (babysitter) told me my daughter had a black and blue mark on her butt. I was so ashamed, humiliated, and felt so bad that I caused this to happen. I never touched any of my children after that. My daughter is thirty six and married with a son of her own. Last year I apologized for my poor behavior and she told me she doesn't remember it happening. I am thankful I didn't emotionally scar her. I was beat with a belt until I was sixteen years old and it did leave emotional scars.


All of the above.


This needs an entry: "all of the above"


Plus forgot vicious verbal abuse!


Severely, brutally, viciously.
I'll spare the details.

Same here.


I got belted or switched All. Of. The. Time.
as much as I don't think a belt is appropriate any more, a good smack on the arse or hands won't kill a kid.


All of the above and more. It was horrific. Period.

My father was a dry drunk and a sociopath!
He was abusive in so many ways it is ridiculous!
I have not had children because of his ways and my living in such a hostile and demented home until I left at sixteen forever!


Bare handed smack, usually. She always recounted the day I put my arm out to hold her back, and she just couldn't reach. She realised that, from that moment on, she could no longer hit me. She stopped after that.

In anger, she'd frequently hurl the nearest object to hand at me. She did it with the car keys once, so got in the car and drove away. I reversed it into a wall and then got about 2 miles up the road in first gear. I think I was 12. She never threw the car keys at me again.


My sister and I were pretty compliant, so we didn’t get punished much. I remember my mother stopping the car once and smacking me, and my father threw a glass of water in my face once because I wouldn't stop crying. I also remember my father slapping my sister once for telling my grandmother to shut up.


As we got older and spanking no longer worked, Mom got more creative with the punishments. Her most ingenious was, when my brother and I got caught arguing, to make us sit across from each other at the dining room table, looking at each other until we smiled.

Have you any idea how goofy that feels? At first I was mad, but the absurdity would always get the better of us and make us laugh. It was my favorite punishment!

Zster Level 8 Apr 25, 2018

That's an excellent punishment. I like your mother.


Hit with belt, washed out mouth with soap, shunned. Now washing your mouth out with soap is a fad!

Shunned is awful. It's cruel to do that to a child. There's no compassion at all. Then they complain about old people getting smacked for acting out. Can't they learn a lesson too? If they are acting inappropriately shouldn't they get a smack to teach them that it's wrong to act rude?


Mostly, it would be either being grounded and not being able to go outside with friends, or it would be them taking something away from me in the house like tv privileges or video games or something like that.........BUT ONE TIME lol...........I was going through this phase of cursing at my mother when I was under 10 years old. I did it one day and my father had come home and was hiding behind the wall between me and the kitchen where my mother was. I obviously didn't know he was there. First, he had my favorite cereal in his hands that he had brought home (Donkey Kong) and he started shaking it and said something like, "Look what I have and what you're not getting!", and then he grabbed me and brought me over to where he sat and put me over his knee and whacked the hell out of my ass. Now this might not be that bad if he was a normal guy lol, but he was a bouncer and a power lifter so he was strong as hell and had rough hands. It worked and taught me a lesson. To this day I don't like cursing in front of family with the heavier words. It's like Pavlov. When I feel the need to say a heavier curse in front of family, it is hard for it to come out unless I'm extremely pissed off lol


Sometimes I was spanked. Other times I was just chastised, others denied a privilege. Depended on the severity of my offense.


A spanking when I was little, but they gave up on punishment once they realized it was too late. I've always been a very deliberate, thoughtful person. I chose to do things I was forbidden to do with the knowledge that the consequences were worth it. No matter what my parents did to punish me, they could never take what I had already done away from me.

Lucky for them I was basically a very good kid.


All of the above. I was a wild child! ?


Hard to say, as I never had parents in the usual sense...a mother whose church was far more important than her children and an alcoholic father, who screwed everything that moved, and some that didn't.


Had my books taken away. Was sent outside.

Sent outside doesn't seem like a punishment. Were you a bookworm?


Hitting another person whether they are a child or an adult is never correct. Back in the fifties and sixties it was common to do this. Now people are reported to the police if they hit a child in public. All children need to be corrected for poor behavior without violence.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

Psychological, implied guilt.


Leather saddle strap that went saddle met my butt or grounded. which never worked,lol, as soon as I found the keys, I was gone...


All of the above, except having my mouth washed out by soap. I was also grounded from video games (the stand up type at arcades, 7-11. etc.) before I owned an Atari but it was impossible to enforce.

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