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LINK Ivana Trump, ex-wife of former President Trump, dies at age 73

Not a great loss to the world.

Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of former President Donald Trump, has died at age 73, the family told ABC News.

The former president said she died at her home in New York City.

Ivana Trump was Donald Trump's first wife. They had three children together: Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric Trump.

"Our mother was an incredible woman -- a force in business, a world-class athlete, a radiant beauty, and caring mother and friend," the Trump family said in a statement.

"Ivana Trump was a survivor. She fled from communism and embraced this country. She taught her children about grit and toughness, compassion and determination," the family said. "She will be dearly missed by her mother, her three children and ten grandchildren."

As Eric Trump walked out of his mother's apartment building Thursday afternoon, he told reporters, "It's been a very sad day."

Manhattan paramedics, responding to a call for cardiac arrest, found a 73-year-old woman in the Upper East Side apartment where Ivana Trump lived just after 12:30 p.m. Thursday, according to the FDNY. She was pronounced dead at the scene, the NYPD said.

Ivana Trump was found unconscious and unresponsive at the bottom of a set of stairs in her apartment, according to police sources. The police are investigating whether she fell and, if so, whether the fall contributed in any way to her death, the sources said. A medical examiner will determine her cause of death, police said.

HippieChick58 9 July 14

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Just what I was thinking. Curly Bill.




They think it was a heart attack. She was a cougar after Donnie Divorced her for Marla. That could be hard on your heart.

NO it isn't, it's AMA-approved cardiovascular activity!




I wonder if he had her "offed".

Her death and the children having to testify coincides. I don't believe in coincidences. She was pushed down the stairs.

@barjoe had the same thought.

@silverotter11 She knew something.


Shit! She was only 4 years older than me!

You must be my age! On the news they reported her death, saying she was "only" 73. That ought to brighten your evening!


Just a gold-digging whore, IMO. She had a great life with few talents so no big loss.

I'm sure the sentiment will be similar when you pass. "no great loss"

@puff I'm not gonna say no loss. If it were her ex-husband I'd be popping champagne corks woohoo🍾🍸🎇 Too bad is wasn't him.

@barjoe agreed, too bad it wasn't him. Just responding to a very narky comment.

@puff Nobody knows I’m alive now.

Ummm, she was an Olympic athlete!

@AnneWimsey Aside from that not a single talent. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with sponging off a mate for the purpose of lifestyle, males do it as well, but nor will I feign respect for them. Sports achievements are nice but have nothing to do with character.


Mother of Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric Trump.
No wonder mother nature killed her.


Being found at the bottom of the stairs is certainly suspicious

Unity Level 8 July 14, 2022

Absolutely. Somebody pushed her. I'd like to see an autopsy.

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