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Oh yeah asshole

biguy12 6 July 23

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I ain't Black.


Or Hispanic. I’ll never get over the “Latinos for Trump” signs in my town.


This is one of the few things he said that didn’t come from the Teleprompter

fedup Level 6 July 23, 2022

Agreed. Same is true for women. And the women are finding that out first hand right now. Because of Trump, they're losing their rights. The same will be true for gay people and black people, especially if Trump wins again. At this point, I hope it happens, but I can only say that because I'm a straight, white, male, and I can enjoy my privilege on those fronts. But gays, women, and minorities can't. Hopefully they'll all wake up before it's too late for them, but I can't make them or care for them.


3rd Party


He ain’t in his right mind LOL

granny Level 6 July 23, 2022

He has the advantage of being not Trump, because the majority were never going to vote for anyone that was not a not Trump.
I think of him as an emergency tire patch, it'll get you to a tire store.
We need young intelligent progressives in office, we need a 21st century FDR economically, we need an LBJ for social equity legislation, and we need a Jimmy Carter for dedication to helping the neglected. We need an unobstructed Obama, considering how much he got done when everyone in Washington was about keeping him in shackles. Were the Republicans not such cruel villains we would have had single payer national health care, but since he knew that he used a suggested solution offered by a Republican that became known as Obama care, but the fact Obama found it acceptable made them reject their own health care plan.
We may not be able to get hate to lesson, but we sure need to disarm it. Hate will fight rational fire arm policy, love will endorse it.
I'm liking Gavin Newsom but others are quite good, I need to know more about all the potential candidates.
However, if Trump manages to run for office again and he's winning, I'd vote for any nominee that's not Trump. I was rooting for Elizabeth Warren personally.

She was my favorite too.


It’s amazing the crap that this jerk gets away with due to the hypocritical democrats

It pales in comparison to what Trump gets away with because of hypocritical Republicans........

People like you just INSIST on showing your ignorance.

@Secretguy I don’t just insist, I demand it........

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