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When are the powers that be say enough is enough? It might seem silly but it breaks the and it's now 4 odious potus golf courses using the presidential seal with is against the law.

silverotter11 9 July 28

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I have no idea what this is about. It seems incomplete, Something about the president of the USA having 4 private golf courses. I'm surprised the president has any time to play golf .... if he attends to his duties. It should be a 12 hour day 365 a year for 4 years.

Ex-presidents are foridden to use the Presidential Seal. The only one allowed to use it is the guy in the White House and trump ain't that person. His golf courses use it promotionally to make money.

@silverotter11 Wow! He really loves himself.

@silverotter11 Trump's a psycho narc, with a fake framed picture of him on the cover of "Time" displayed at his business premises.
If it is not allowed for ex-presidents to do this, is not a law already in place? So enforce it. Bit of a non story just illustrating how the Don needs his ego stroked.

@puff Ex presidents are forbidden from using/displaying the Presidential Seal. I realize it is a minor infraction compared to all the other stuff it appears he has done. For me just just sort of a tipping point for being royally pissed BUT it is a clear infraction, no wiggle room about it and NOTHING but putting in the news gets done about it.

@puff, @rogerbenham Oh, that's been clear for a LONG time.🤣


Grifters gotta grift. Tag his sentence onto whatever the DOJ gets for his dereliction of duty. To nab him for this could ignite unnecessary backlash and complaints of targeting him. We must appear to not be doing that.

Fuck the backlash..if that pig is allowed to get away with this,and back in W.H..we're fucked..

@Charlene And getting him nailed for witness tampering, or dereliction, will do that. I don't believe for a second that AG Garland would put that work on hold and go after 45 for symbol abuse. Let's pass around memes but, frankly, I think the 9/11 and Saudi connections are of bigger advantage for Dems.


Which legal agency would bring charges? Could the DOJ add this in to a MUCH LARGER case?

I should think so..


I'm not a fan of DJT yet I would think of this as a misdemeanor. January 6th was the biggest crime against the country that anyone could have committed

Unity Level 8 July 28, 2022

The DNC rigged primaries in favour of HRC shafting Bernie Sanders. HRC lost in a fair election because she was the establishment candidate, not the popular one. Happened again 4 years later but this time the establishment choice just scraped in.
Then, do you recall after the 2016 election the catch phrase "Not my President" (DNC), also the non-acceptance of results by many (DNC) due to alleged Russian interference (DNC), later discredited? Then we had the calls for the de-funding of police forces (DNC) and encouragement of people taking to streets to protest aka anarchy (DNC).

I put it to you that the DNC has not been defending American democracy very well themselves the last 6 years, seemingly undermining democratic processes themselves. The singular event of Jan 6th protests (nothing happened, due process occurred) really pale in comparison. I can't see any improvement in democracy coming from these hearings without some self reflection from those pushing the prosecution.
If American's think these hearings will solve democracy in America, you're dreaming.

@puff so I guess Cadet Bone Spurs attempt to subvert Democracy and INCITE a MOB to riot and TRASH the CAPITOL to attempt to STOP THE ELECTORAL COUNT...THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS(which IS called INSURRECTION BY THE WAY)and GET 5 PEOPLE KILLED...BEAT DOWN CAPITOL POLICE...that is your definition of "NOTHING HAPPENED...DUE PROCESS OCCURRED"...SERIOUSLY???...January 6th 2021 had NOTHING TO DO WITH HRC...BERNIE ... OR THE DNC...You are trying to divert and distract...not even a nice try 😂

TRUMP TROLL ALERT Ladies and Gentlemen...smfh

@phoenixone1 OK, you win.
The greatest threat to democracy American citizens have ever had to endure occurred when electoral college votes were accepted by the VP without the usual pomp and ceremony in the Capitol building due to protesters on Jan 6th, 2021. Once those protesters are dealt with, democracy will be safe in America once more.

@puff Come on now. I suspect that you're wise enough to know right from wrong. This post isn't about the DNC or HRC.
Why would you feel that posting negative information about the DNC would be relevant in defense of DJT's actions?
You don't justify one's wrong doing simply by pointing out someone else's. Wrong is wrong.
What I have learned from #45's term in office is that facts and reasoning mean nothing so many people.

@puff HRC Won the popular vote, you fool!
Biden "scraped on" by 7,000.000 votes........
Your takes on the elections are perverse at best

@puff why are you so intent on downplaying the obvious?...when did it become desirable to have a FASCIST, AUTOCRATIC, RACIST, GRIFTER running America?... There is no difference between tRUMP and JIM are part of a CULT...the Democrats are far from perfect...but it was tRUMP who lit the match and convinced his minions to storm the CAPITOL...

@Unity Wrong is wrong thus justice should have an even hand. Agree.

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