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LINK Pompeo says head of teacher’s union is the ‘most dangerous person in the world’ | The Hill

Republican pieces of shit like Mike Pompeo are demonizing educators. This fuckstick wants to push his extremist Christian bullshit. Randi Weingarten will probably have to fear for her safety because of this Nazi bastard. He wouldn't say Vladimir Putin is dangerous because those two shit stains are asshole buddies.

barjoe 9 Nov 22

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Nah, it is still trump!!!


Mike Pompeo is a Christian nationalist fuckstick. He can eat shit and die. I wish he would.


While Pompeo may or may not be good or bad, Weingarten is bad. Period.

What's bad about her! Elaborate on why she is bad.

@barjoe My wife was a teacher for several years before seeking a decent paying job. She had numerous examples about why the Teachers Union was horrible. I don't intend to quiz her about what she said.

Why don't you list what is good about her.

@Alienbeing There you go again, spouting nonsense.

You put forth a proposition without a shred of evidence to back it up. Not even an argument. Then you ask others to do your homework for you. Pathetic.

@Flyingsaucesir What is pathetic is your sense of entitlement. I have no obligation to drone on about prior conversations. I owe you no explanation, nothing at all.

Feel free to ignore me.

@Alienbeing Since you claim to live in Republican controlled NC should we wonder why the Teachers Union there is so weak?... How come every time you give an example of labor being mistreated there is no proof to back it up and you live in a shithole state that has right to be underpaid laws on the books?

@Alienbeing After all look at the minimum wage in that Redneck shithole and that explains everything....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Education here needs to improve, however the fact that the teachers union is weak in my State is a good thing.

@Flyingsaucesir Cite the statement you say I made without evidence and I will.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz More people are moving to NC than virtually any other State. That proves your " you live in a shithole state" statment is pure bullshit.

Stay in CA they need you because the smarter people have already left CA or are about to do so.

@Alienbeing People move to places where housing is cheap then find out they were scammed into moving to a shithole where they have to work 3 jobs to barely survive . My retirement equals a little over $25 an hour right now if you compare it to a 40 hour a week job. Most jobs there it would take about 138 hours a week to make that much so call it more than 3 jobs...

@Alienbeing Your teachers union being weak is why your educational system is shit...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz No, if the Teachers Union was strong it would be even worse. Teachers Unions are not interested in students.

@Alienbeing You are a delusional fool .... California has a strong union and some of the best schools in the country and several of our Universities are the best in the world.... North Carolina schools make some 3rd world countries look good...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz CA is not known for good local school systems. Many of your Universities have good reputations (not as good as Duke) but your K-12 system neeeds help.

@Alienbeing Duke is NOT a public University.... And your K-12 is less effective than a fart in a hurricane....and getting worse just like your neighbor Floriduh.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz FL is not a neighbor of N.C. I guess they don't teach geogrphy in CA.

@Alienbeing So stupid you can't understand English aren't you?... I said neighbor not next door neighbor... For one of the things they forgot to teach you in elementary school... A map of the US showing that North Carolina and Floriduh are only separated by South Carolina making them neighbors....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Poor attempt to justify your incorrect remark. I really didn't expect anything else.

@Alienbeing You just can't stand the truth....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I can stand truth and love it, however in your case truth and fiction are the same so you can't see the difference.


Pompeo has some pretty cracked views. The problem here is that once people like him hold office they continue seeking more important office. Many people do not notice fascist or white supremacist views and I'm not sure why this is.


The last word of those who lived in Pompeii. "Oh shit!" Mike's name represents the shit.


Just when you thought Republicans couldn’t go and lower and more idiotic, think again……..


Get over it asshole. Even after the SCOTUS 2018 decision in Janus vs. AFSCME which was aimed to destroy organized labor, and conservatives have worked for decades to achieve after spending staggering amounts of money, failed big time. At least here in New York which has always been a heavy union state. But the more conservative states with the laws I call β€œRight to work for less” laws, it was already that way.


Repubs always attacked teachers and their union! They don’t want an educated population. 😑

Because they need blind followers. The more a person educates themselves means they are less likely to become that way.

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