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Dropped 40° from afternoon high, it's supposed to get colder overnight. What's it like where you live? I dread to see my gas bill this month.

barjoe 9 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm wondering in which mobile app do you check this? Previously, I only iPhone weather, which I checked before leaving home. I used it until I needed more accurate weather data. Do any of you like to go to the mountains, do skydiving or surfing? My ex-boyfriend made me fall in love with all these things. He took me to places I hadn't thought of before. But we were constantly unlucky with the weather. We listened to the weather forecasts, but they were often wrong about the ocean or mountains. So I found API that gives more accurate data for special places. I stopped using other applications.


Thursday and Friday were sketchy here in the teens and my power is holding so far, but we're now a tropical 22F. All told, I would rather be visiting @Julie808.

Hopefully it warms up soon, who knows how much longer the power grid will hold up down there.

@barjoe Thanks, yeah. It would be bitterly ironic if I lost power just as I was able to turn off my dripping faucets.

@Lauren I hope not.


In North Carolina, it’s currently 9° with a wind chill of –3°. Where my sister lives in New York, it’s 7° and feels like –12°. 🥶

Wore all kinds of layers when I went out tonight. Good thing I have all sorts of gear from when I visited the Arctic Circle … I was probably the warmest person in my town. 😃


Dropped from 55 F (waaay high for this time of year!) about 3pm, to 11 F right now, about 2am....tremendous winds in between
Xmas Eve Day 11am update, bright sunshine and 13 F in tne sun...i am not acclimated!


Right now: -2°F, 60mph winds, windchill -35°F


Believe it or not, we have 10 foot snow drifts on Mauna Kea today. The snow plow (yes we only have one) is clearing the road so scientists can get up to the top. If you don't believe me, here is the news report from today.


Just don't look at the weather forecast for the rest of the state... We likely have the best weather on the planet this week. However, Kauai is in for a few sprinkles this weekend. I know..., boo hoo, you're saying. I feel bad to be so comfortable while so much of the country is suffering freezing temperatures.

Don't rub it in.


21deg cent at night 30 deg cent during the day.The weather is fine here in Moura Qld. Overcast with a storm forecast late night.
Save your brass monkeys freezing their balls off, why not give them a road map to the arctic so they can warm up??

Talk to me in July when you're freezing your ass off and I'm down the shore laying on the beach.

@barjoe your on. here in the tropics, it does get down to Zero for a few nights but mostly hovers above 0 degrees cent. days in the mid 20's.
Our way of dealing with the cold is
1 go to bed with a hot woman
2 get stuck into the Bundarberg O.P Rum
Works well
In a nation 0f 25 million, 23 million drunks can't all be wrong , can they?

@Kurtn I'm guessing you live in northern Australia. Nice weather all year round. This weather system is weird. Even people in the south are getting frigid temps.


-6 when I went to bed last night, high of the day is 6. Next weekend supposed to hit fifties. I've marked where all of my windows need recaulked and they need it badly.


It is down to 58 here tonight. I'm still wearing shorts though.

BDair Level 8 Dec 23, 2022

I have a crazy friend who wears shorts in the freezing cold.

@barjoe Don't we all? And what's up with that, anyway?!

When I lived in Florida, I swear there were people who didn’t even own pants as they wore shorts even when it dropped into the 40s. 🥶

@AnneWimsey John Fetterman is one of those weirdos 5° in Pittsburgh. Maybe that's why he had a stroke.

@barjoe What is his name??Numbnuts? Perhaps the shorts were a way of him maintaining a erection? 🙂

@Kurtn That's Senator John Fetterman D (PA) He's my senator and I love the guy.


My iPad says 8, but that doesn’t account for windchill.


Was 42 much of yesterday. Plunging to wind driven -7F tonight. Crazy!

Zster Level 8 Dec 23, 2022

40 degree Celsius heat forecast for Adelaide on boxing day. After a few days of that, think I would be willing to swap ya!

puff Level 8 Dec 23, 2022

I guess that's 100⁰F. I'll take it. My phone says 8⁰F, that's -13⁰C and that's not accounting for the wind chill. I'll make that trade.

@barjoe you're on 😉


1 @ sunrise today, 7 now. had 11 for the not very high today.

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