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Valentine's Day

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Do you think that it is important to your relationship to celebrate Valentine's Day?

Unity 8 Feb 1

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Never really was an important day, pertaining to any of my relationships over the years. I dunno... something about buying my girlfriend candy and flowers (in particular roses) on a day where most other women out there are going to receive the same, just doesn't seem very romantic to me, lol.


I do Galentine's with a couple friends. I do miss the obligatory boink of when I was married, however, not worth giving up my peace of mind.


I don't really care about valentines day (i used to refer to it as singles awareness day lol) . It's a day for card and candy manufacturers to make money.


It's not important unless someone in the relationship thinks it's important, and then yes, it's important. A frank conversation can head off a big fight. Check with your love interest to be sure! Do it big, small or not at all?

Because dinner reservations are hard to get for that day, and roses, specialty chocolates, etc., are in high demand and expensive, many couples decide to celebrate on a different day or plan a candle light picnic or some sort of getaway to celebrate their love. Without it being on the exact date, expectations aren't so high and they can just enjoy each other.

For me, I don't care about a particular day and the expectations of something special that never seems to materialize. I'd rather have flowers and little surprises just because, and make special moments on my own time, not because the calendar says so.

Personally, other than sending my grandchildren home made valentines, I don't do anything, but I'm not in a relationship.

Since being on my own, I'm now free to celebrate "Singles Awareness Day" by getting together with girlfriends for a "Galentine" celebration instead of secretly wishing for a special romantic gesture from a love interest.

I know most people are the total opposite of how I feel about it. So, just ask!

"Galentine".....GOOD ONE!

@pamagain I guess for guys or co-ed, it might be "palentine" gathering.


I make a donation to my local PBS radio outlet, which includes sending a dozen roses to my mom, for Valentines Day. Expensive roses, but for a good cause and it makes her happy.


I am having my shoulder replaced that day! What a way to fill it in, yes?


I've always chafed under society's demands concerning holidays ... all holidays, but particularly Valentine's Day, which doesn't seem focused as much on celebrating the relationship with your partner as it does bragging about it. Why else are the gifts delivered to your office where everyone can see them instead of delivered personally between the two of you (or three, or whatever your arrangement)? Why are tales exchanged about who got the best/most expensive/most creative gifts? And why is it usually the men who are expected to do this? I'm much more impressed when someone shows me how they feel about me when it strikes them - and as often as it strikes them - and when it can be celebrated between us. That's the type of celebration I enjoy.

That said, it's hard to get away from holidays when you have kids, and I've always enjoyed treating my girls (even now that they're grown-ups) and I'll do so this year as well, making each of them their favorite treat.


No, haven't had a Valentines card since my husband passed away. I don't really think it's that important to celebrate the day. Just another way to spend money really. 😉


No...and no. It's just another commercially-originated ''holiday.''

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