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Do you believe in life after death

IleneFlem100 3 Mar 23

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There is a limited amount of energy
" simply states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. So you can never get more energy out than is contained in the fuel you put in. The second law states that no machine can ever be 100% efficient."

So when we die I like to think we return to the energy we began from. What happens after death to this energy is unknowable.

All our energy comes from the sun. The vast majority of this is dissipated as heat, which eventually escapes to outer space. When we die, our cells and tissues decompose, and the little energy contained in those structures is passed on to detritivores (maggots, earthworms, protists, fungi, bacteria) who use what energy they can, all of which is eventually dissipated as heat.


Life after death is the same as life before birth.


We are one with nature. It's why I like the concept of food is the Gods. Like the recycling process of reincarnation. I'd like to be a 10.000 year old tree. Unfortunately a Christian may come along and cut me down and make me into bibles. Also there is no justice in nature , although I can understand Natures laws much better than a sheep herders guild to the Universe

A “Sheepherders Guide To The Universe”. Good one


Yes. Just not for the person who has died


I'm agnostic - a-post-life - - I don't believe there can be consciousness after brain death & I sincerely doubt the existence of a soul, but, I could just possibly be wrong as there is no proof for, there is no absolute proof against.

So, do I believe in life after death - - - No.


Of course, you die and your rotting body gives life to maggots.


Of course!!! Haven’t you ever seen “The Walking Dead”!!?!😯




Depends on whose life and whose death! Seriously, no, but I do believe in death after life.


No. There is no reason that I should.


Only in the hearts and memories of those who knew us.


Nothing from nothing is nothing!!!

Isn't that a song?



The song of life!!!


How could you be alive after you die? It is only religions and ignorant superstitions that think they have that answer.


You are born to live and live to die. No one can prove there is an afterlife.


If I did, I probably wouldn’t have joined this site.


I believe in living life now and not pining for some paradise in the clouds, too many of the world's ills remain because of a belief in an afterlife that there is no proof of, good or bad.

I sometimes almost feel sad for people that never really live because they are serving the whims of preachers and the church their entire lives.

But then, this is a modern world. And they have plenty of chances to educate themselves.

It is not the Dark Ages when there was literally no literature.

@BufftonBeotch most people take the easiest option, even if it is less rewarding, human nature I suppose.


I don’t believe in religious literalism, but we could explore what those words might refer to in the figurative sense.

skado Level 9 Mar 23, 2023

Others will live after I die. I did not exist before I was born, why should I care that I do not exist after I die.

"I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” --- Mark Twain

I have never experienced "non existence" and as a creative person at age 76 who lives to create, even if it is pointless, I am afraid, not of dying, but of not existing. I don't know why, but the idea of suddenly not being, and not being able to create or emote or feel, scares hell out of me. I don't even have any offspring, so even my DNA will cease to exist. I could never commit suicide, unless, possibly, I were extremely miserable or in severe pain. Perhaps, in that case, my brain would institute some "protection circuitry", which would suppress the emotion formerly described. In short, I think I know why most people find religion. Perhaps some people even pretend to believe, even though they don't. I wish I were so lucky!

@fishline79 I find it somewhat comforting.

@BufftonBeotch Find what comforting?

@fishline79 NOT Existing. And pretending I have any control over any of this (waves arms wildly) shit.

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