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Question for the anti-vaxxers and other conspiracy theorists: Why would the government want to kill off the 'sheeple' (your word) and retain the free-thinking courageous out-of-the-box rebel leaders such as yourselves?

AnneWimsey 9 Mar 31

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Yeah,,,think for yourself and OUTSIDE THE BOX-is an acquired skill . Some never get it or use it.


Can't help but notice our resident nut cases' replies.....crickets


And on a related question, why doesn’t the Deep State, who were willing to orchestrate thousands of deaths and enormous destruction on 9/11, go after the Truthers who are openly working to expose them? Shouldn’t people like BD Air be on a hit list of some sort? Seriously, what’s a few more anonymous body bags to add to the pile in order to protect the “elites” from the Truthers who are actively working to expose them? But no, they are left alone to openly operate and organize, despite the threat they must represent to the New World Order. Why, it’s almost as if there is no Deep State New World Order….hmmmm.


Come on Anne you know this question is way too complex for them to understand, let alone answer cognitively..


Ouch! Six am is way too early for me to read and understand compound questions.

Rest assured it is something Very sarcastic that popped into my head at 3am when i couldn't sleep last week.

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