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LINK Texas bills would force classrooms to display the Ten Commandments (KJV edition)

How will teachers explain “adultery” to 5-year-olds? Who knows. But there is a loophole.

Legislation filed by Texas Republicans would require all public schools to place the Ten Commandments—King James’ Version only—on the walls of every classroom. It’s yet another attempt to shove Christianity on all students.

SB 1515, filed by Sen. Phil King, and companion bill HB 3448, filed by Rep. Candy Noble, spell out exactly what the 16”-by-20” posters would say:

The Ten Commandments

I AM the LORD thy God.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images.

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor ’s house.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor ’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

The same people who don’t want high schoolers learning about sex, systemic racism, or LGBTQ people, have very specific things they want kindergartners to know about when it comes to adultery and their neighbor’s maidservants. (How teachers plan to explain “adultery” to 5-year-olds is anyone’s guess, but that’s apparently outside the bounds of age-appropriate questions.)

The bills say the posters can be privately donated or made “using public funds.” But while it says the size and typeface must be “legible to a person with average vision from anywhere in the classroom,” there’s nothing that says it must be written in English… which should come as a joy to activists like Chaz Stevens, who previously sent schools “In God We Trust” posters written in Arabic (and other languages).

More to the point, though, what problem would these posters solve? (Answer: none.) No potential school shooter has ever plotted out a path of destruction only to reconsider after realizing the Ten Commandments say “Thou shalt NOT kill.” Students’ lives will not be any better because they have to stare at a list of rules in their classrooms that includes mandates against believing in false gods, not making “graven images,” taking God’s name in vain, and keeping the Sabbath day holy.

And if students need a sign to remind them not to murder others, they have bigger problems. It would be great if they could see a mental health professional, but different Texas lawmakers are currently trying to replace those experts with Christian chaplains.

These bills are also an endorsement of Christianity by the government, in direct violation of the Establishment Clause. The fact that the first commandment is selectively capitalized only highlights that point. The message is not that students should believe in God; it’s that they should embrace conservative Christianity specifically.

The first hearing on the bill is scheduled for Wednesday.

snytiger6 9 Apr 5

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It's a cheaper way to help the youth of that state. Instead of doing it the right way. If says it in the bible that makes it ok for youth, but it's wrong when it's secular. Religion has helped no body in the long run.


Any parent who wants the Commandments displayed for their own school aged children are free to do so, in their own home. Public schools are open to children of all beliefs. Just another example of Christians using taxpayer funded government entities for forcing their own tax-free beliefs upon all who enter.

This begs the question, if the Ten Commandments protects an individual’s household “servants”, does that mean that slavery will be the next thing they want to bring back? Wonder how Clarence would feel about that.

@FloridaHeathen Clarence the Shitbag Thomas would be delighted!

@anglophone Now that you mention it he probably would be.


If children are indoctrinated with this, where will the US get it's future armies from?
It says quite plainly, "Thou shalt not kill" . And what will the children of soldiers think of their parents?
Seems to me that the Religious Right are shooing themselves in the foot. Good job that's not lethal.


That would not pass Constitutional muster.

I don't know if this SCOTUS would agree with you....SORRY TO SAY!

@pamagain I know they will. They previously ruled even posting the 10 commandments on school grounds was unconstitutional.

@Alienbeing I sincerely hope you're right!

@pamagain Obviously you are unaware of prior rulings.

@Alienbeing Obviously, you're unaware of the most recent tendencies by this SCOTUS.

@pamagain I am well aware of the current Court. The prior ruling in no way would bring ire from the Court.

Living in CA you probably think SCOTUS is searching for any ruling dealing with religion to be sure it supports religion. That is not correct, but in the Peoples Republic of California it is described as fact.


Obstructionist Regressive republican christofascist maga death cult members in Texas feel they can dictate moral and ethical behavior by forcing laws, regulations, rules down the throats of Texans without the majority having a voice in these fantasies which are delusional so demented that only a small minority would or could benefit!!!


This idea is complete idiocy.

That is just what happens when you get religious delinquents in charge.


Christian supremacists are just as much of an abomination as the Taliban.


I expect ACLU and FFRF will be "on'' this!


And the first five are all redundant, about only god. What a phucking narcissist.


If they boil commandments down to two simple ones

1.Be honest
2.Don't harm

The rest is mostly full of shit .


Posting the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms would definitely be a violation of the First Amendment.

Texas might as well be a different country as they are so ignorant of American principles. But, oh yeah, they have been traitors since 2016...


Sending extra $$$$ to the ACLU this month!!!!!!!!
Go thou and do likewise..........

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