"Racism" has become the universal excuse, justification and explanation in Western societies. So it is possible to ask whether the idea of a 'systemic racism' in our societies does not come from a self-perpetuating circle: the obsessive discourse on racism feeds the idea that one is a victim of racism, the idea that one is a victim of racism reinforces the analyses of the racist character of society, etc... ad infinitum.
"Systemic racism" has become the mantra that allows people to avoid any complex analysis of social phenomena, and to prevent any discourse that does not please the activists of identity politics. "Racist" is now little more than a way to discredit any non-conforming opinion; an instrument to make people shut up.
(Pierre Jourde: La tyrannie vertueuse)
In some cases but we can also trace racist state-sanctioned disparagement since Johnson's faulty reconstruction plan. That created economic and physical systems, not the least being incarceration, which became systemic. George Floyd does prove that. But it can also be used to shut down a conversation, yes.
Open your freakin' eyes and See not only the blatant systemic racism that exists...(George Floyd, anyone?) and it's horrible manifestations, but also it's corellary, the misogynistic attitudes towards women, the hatred of ''differentness"..when you beat down one group, you feel free to beat down others.
"Part of the problem, you are.......