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LINK Christian "prophet": Climate change is God's way of pointing us to Bible verses

Preacher Hank Kunneman implied that rising temperatures are nothing to fear

On Thursday night, during a taping of “FlashPoint LIVE” in Nashville, Nebraska-based preacher and self-described “prophet” Hank Kunneman of One Voice Ministries claimed that climate change was just God’s way of pointing us to relevant Bible verses.

… And there will be temperatures that will reach for a season in the hundreds. And it will be as though it would be 103, and you will say, “What is this?” And God says, “Do you not know Psalm 103? ‘Forget not my benefits.’”

And it will be 106 and 107. God says, “Do you not understand that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever?”

And then they will say, “But God, what is this about 105?”

And God says, “Do you know that I led the people out with silver and gold, and there was not one feeble as I delivered a nation?”

And then they will say, ‘What is this, that has reached 118?”

And God says, “It is a sign! Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is the Lord who comes to save, and I have come to save this nation at this time!”

There are 150 chapters in Psalms. We’re so screwed. (And that’s assuming, as Kunneman does, that we’re talking about degrees Fahrenheit, which most of the world does not use.)

Implicit in Kunneman’s sermon is the notion that we shouldn’t do anything to combat climate change—and that the changing temperatures aren’t even a real problem—because it would be akin to turning our backs on his God.

I’m very curious if Kunneman realizes the flip side of his own argument: That certain chapters of the Bible, with lower numbers, are apparently forgettable.

Who are we kidding? There’s no logic to any of this. The problem with prophecies is that they’re vague to the point of being useless. It doesn’t matter what the temperature is, or which Bible verse corresponds to it, because hacks like Kunneman can always pretend that current events align with various verses. His followers will never bother challenging him. MAGA conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell and the others on stage remained silent and visibly bored by everything Kunneman was saying, but not a single one of them would ever call him out on his lies.

snytiger6 9 May 13

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Wrong translations from an ancient book, who do not have a clue what climate change is. One hand being a natural environmentalist and pratice daily sustainable living of tiny homes and urban farming. Plus do lifelong studies on holistic living. Where the 1% makes most of the pollution and are the leaders of the world, environmentalist who are bad examples. And
they are controling the 100 trillion dallors of the world's environmental investments. Their plans are by increasing carbon taxes and playing God with every aspect of our lives. The earth is actually cooling or the same. The green plants have increased by 15% growth over the last 15 years.Because they thrive on carbon , it can be harvested and controled. It's less healthy to eliminate carbons. Other species of amimal are created where other species go extinct. The natural environment alway needs help and work , Yet we can't even control our own lives. Do not put it in the hands of the worst wealthy scammers on this planet.


I think we ought to use their belief to justify stopping FEMA and other bailouts as enabling of sinners to sin. If the "disaster" was obviously of god's creation then who are we do-gooders to soften Thou's judgments? They are judgments of their own god and they need to reap what they sow.


Imbecile! "I have come to save this nation at this time." What nation? It certainly was not any of us today.


Chridtofascists always have some alternate fact(s) to justify their existence!!!


But wait, they are actually acknowledging climate change in some way????!!!!!
i call this progress...slow, beyond-comprehension slow, but progress nonetheless.

Well I have a personal grudge with god because i put my Miata away April to Oct and wouldn't you know that SOB made it rain since Oct 1st and no driving happily away in the little sports car.


And the moon is made out of Green Cheese.

Funny that. I thought it was made out of blue cheese that had gone mouldy.

@anglophone blue cheese is a mold to begin is actually a form of edible penicillin according to WIKI...YUM 😁


This a perfect example of what happens when inmates of the insane asylum are released into community/home care.
Especially when they go off their meds and no longer have the professional support they so desperately need


Hank Kunneman is manifestly mentally defective.


Fuck that guy.

With a folio sized version of the KJV bibble up his bum?

@anglophone I think I would prefer it to be rammed down his throat.

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