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LINK Life in the universe is very very rare

Common Sense

barjoe 9 Aug 11

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The formation of life requires more than just a bunch of chemicals. It requires a place that is stable for billions of years - stable temperature, stable radiation, stable gravity.


Can't read it, Facebook.

But I will say that rare in this universe might be relative, given the billions and billions of galaxies, stars and planets, even if rare is true which remains to be verified. Also depends on your definition of life. I know the passionately anti UFO crowd like to say how unlikely other beings are in the universe, much less that they might drop by Earth. I myself keep an open mind on it, especially with attention that is now being directed on this subject. I also have no confidence in any governments or authorities on the subject, especially American.

There's no evidence of aliens civilizations at all. Whether or not you trust the government or the US government in particular is meaningless. Currently it would take 40K years to travel 1 light year. The closest star system to earth is 4.2 light years away. And there's no evidence of a planet in the habitable zone there. Fermi Paradox perports probability of intelligent life somewhere in the universe. They can't get here and we can't get there. They are no little green men.

@barjoe yeah, I've heard your emphatic statements on this subject before. I don't need a recap.

@David1955 US House of Representative had a ridiculous congressional hearing on UAPs, which is apparently our govt's new name for UFOs. They had 3 "whistleblowers", one David Grusch blatantly lied under oath claiming he saw a non-human pilot of an alien craft. That is a scientific impossibility and our Congress is now a laughing stock. Shameful.

@barjoe I don't know what you're trying to convince me of. I'm just keeping an open mind and seeing what might be revealed. You seem emphatic to convince yourself of your own questionable certainties on the subject, quite frankly.

@David1955 I'm open to credible evidence of intergalactic travel coming to earth. Unfortunately there isn't any.

@barjoe it doesn't sound like it, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

@David1955 Do you have any credible evidence?

@barjoe can't you read? I'm not saying I have evidence; just saying there's a lot of discussion about this subject so I'm keeping an open mind on it, while being wary of UFO freaks on the one hand and lying American agencies ( as if there's any other kind ) on the other.

@David1955 Do you have evidence that United States lied about extraterrestrial visitation? Do you have an open mind that they could be truthful? If some of these UAPs are actual secret government projects, you couldn't expect them to reveal those secrets.


According to meteors, there should be abundant life in the universe...or has been....
Seriously though
IF I were another species from space, I would not want to be involved with humans. We are violent, destructive, barbaric to the extreme especially in the name of religion and technologically advanced enough to do major damage militarily and biologically to any other species.
Were I an alien, I would remain hidden, watch, study and isolate humanity from any inter galactic community


Life is rare in that only a small percentage of any particular galaxy is suitable for even bacterial life to form, but goven the vast number of planets in one galaxy it need not be VERY rare. However, complex life would ne far more rate and HIGH intelligence even less common.
If we are talking about the universe, with its virtually infinite number of galaxies then even intelligent life must be prolific.

@Druvius "Life" is anything more complex than a virus, which itself is borderline.
It could be silicon based even.
However COMPLEX life is a very different matter.

@Druvius As far as evolution of species which led to intelligent life? Within our Galaxy and any "nearby" galaxies, we are likey alone.

@barjoe not necessarily. But if you also throw in time, then here in our galaxy, AND NOW we quite probably are.

@Petter We don't know what was in the last 13.8 billion years or what will be in the future. Our entire existence is a miniscule speck in time.

@barjoe Precisely.


Except that the Earth formed 8-9 billion years after the big bang and by most accounts, galaxies formed less than half a billion years after the Big Bang. That suggests that the conditions for life developed 1-2 billion years after the Big Bang. Once a civilization develops, if it survives long enough to develop faster-than-light travel, they could seed any number of planets, perhaps all that can support it.

That is only one reason why the Drake Equation is BS.


IMO No it's not---just look at those Tube Worms living under tremendous pressure in deep ocean trenches at the Very Hot mouths of underwater volcanoes.
Now, if ya wanna talk about Intelligence, i am right there with ya!

Any intelligent alien species would isolate the earth like in a zoo where the semi intelligent wild animals are cared for but cannot harm the civilised alien worlds.

@vocaloldfart Time. Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Humans have only been here go ½ million years. "They" probably don't exist at all and certainly not at the same time that we exist. If they can observe us from 1 million light years away, we don't exist yet.

@barjoe you have me confused as to what you are trying to say. I cannot understand why aliens have to be 1 million light years way from us, nor can I assume they have the same technology as us at present.
According to archaeology, the Australia aboriginals have showed signs that they were here over 125.00 years ago. their dreamtime stories accurately describe events that happened 250 000 years ago.
All over the world there are stories of mans exploits in religious and history books that are now being questioned and discovered to be a lot older that previously thought and taught. New technological advances are breaking down the misconceptions of the past.
You seem to have your aliens neatly in one box. I however prefer to keep an open mind and make no assumptions at all, just extrapolate from pure logical thinking

@vocaloldfart Do you have any evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in earth? No? I didn't think so.

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