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Few self-identify as woke. No political party stands on a self-declared woke manifesto.
Yet, over the course of several decades, a particular set of values has become embedded within our institutions, government and businesses. This movement resists a label and has few self-identified advocates. Still, its proponents are easy enough to spot. They insist on purity. They cast out those who might be sympathetic to their cause but are not au fait with the latest woke vocabulary, at the very same time as they refuse to engage in debate.

Woke’s advocates are critical of older arguments for equality. And, by focusing on identity, they overlook material concerns and see working-class people as requiring re-education. Woke is intolerant of national pride and is particularly scathing of national heritage and tradition. It is also anti-democratic – woke activists try to impose change from the top down, while denying that woke even exists.

Thibaud70 7 Sep 8

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I mostly concur with your conclusion(s) above, except I don't refer to that sort of mentality as "woke", but rather simply refer to that mindset as being politically correct, and political correctness in one form or the other has been present at least since the dawn of human politics.

Any sort of authoritarian/dogmatic mindset is bound to lead to misery and resentment, which the current "woke craze" is producing. I think it's human nature for individuals to cling to a particular side or set of beliefs, similar to a tribalist mentality, in which to establish fellowship with like-minded individuals. Get those same individuals in private and ask them directly what they really think about their preferred political/social side, and you'll find alot of times they sing a different tune when questioned in private.

Whatever you wish to call it, personally speaking I'm tired of it all, from the blatant intolerance of opposing viewpoints down to the dehumanizing tactics, to hell with them all I say. So much for that "unity" President Biden had promised us, and if anything the cultural divide is only growing bigger.


The most ignorant post l have seen here in a long time. What a fucking moron you are! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have to admit that as maddening as he can be I sorta missed @Thibaud70 during our outage here. He’s misguided and intentionally provocative, but not the worst of the lot posting here, several I have blocked. He hasn’t gotten that obnoxious IMO.


“ National pride “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
What exactly are u proud of when it comes to USA ??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

He’s French.

The USA is the oldest living democracy. They rescued Europe from fascism, later from Communism. They invented Blues and Jazz (the world would be poorer without them !); they are home of some of the most brillant scientists; they are probably the most diverse, creative and open society of modern times....
Yeah, there's quite a lot Americans can be proud of
There's no reason to wallow in self-hate, as many Americans like to do

@Thibaud70 Well said, but you left out that many others from around the world desire to and have immigrated to the USA from their respective home countries. And why is that, why do so many wish to move to America? Do they know something the average American does not know? I'd say yes, they do realize that the country itself is fine, it's the politicians and those in charge of running things in the country that are bad and ruin it for everyone else.

As for pride goes, it's worth mentioning that authoritarians from around the world and in particular the religious type of authoritarians, seek to strip others of a basic sense of pride as those who are stripped of their pride are far easier to control and manipulate. Zealous religious leaders have known that for ages now. That's why it's important for the politically correct factions out there to instill in the citizens a sense that having any sort of pride is "bad", excepting of course any type of pride that they deem to be acceptable and of which conforms to their standards. So despite its shortcomings and some questionable past history, we Americans do have alot to be thankful for, compared to some other countries who have a far worse track record when it comes to human rights abuses. Lastly, those who self-hate are also easy to manipulate, and nothing keeps people divided quite like a potent mixture of fear and self-loathing.


"This movement resists a label and has few self-identified advocates. Still, its proponents are easy enough to spot."
Translated as
This is a made-up group used to demonize the left and those who do not share our skin colour.

"Woke’s advocates are critical of older arguments for equality"
Translated as
Have they never heard of the white man's burden? If not for us, they would still be in Africa living in mud huts and worshiping trees.

" see working-class people as requiring re-education"
"It was not slavery, it was enforced relocation"

"Woke is intolerant of national pride and is particularly scathing of national heritage and tradition"
Translated as
Dont teach history

"It is also anti-democratic – woke activists try to impose change from the top down while denying that woke even exists."
Translated as
"We had a nice school but a few Karens from out of state destroyed our library"


Wow, so I guess you have a real problem with a concept that the Black community had the audacity to establish and define, while they dared to criticize the way nationalists insist on subjugating them in the name of equality. Huh. No one I know denies that being woke exists, but we all recognize the anti-woke for what they are.

Yeah just one of many things appropriated from blacks. This one has an arc from Huddie Ledbetter to BLM activists but somehow got flipped to a term of derision.


"They insist on purity. They cast out those who might be sympathetic to their cause but are not au fait with the latest vocabulary, at the very same time as they refuse to engage in debate... critical of older arguments for equality... It is also anti-democratic." Congratulations, you just described MAGA.

Now when you say "national pride", "national heritage and tradition", that's code for flying Confederate battle flags, right? Because that's frankly nothing to be proud of.

He might be reflecting back upon the golden ages of Napoleon or de Gaulle instead. Or maybe reaction to the Parisian hotbed of 68 from which Foucault, Debord and other hotheads emerged as icons. For him its the Tricolour. This is not a US only group.


Gabba, gabba, hey!

Hey Gail! If I'm not mistaken, you don't live too far from Lawnwood Gardens where that crazy Daniel Cavalcante is supposed to be roaming around. How nuts is that?

@barjoe Yes, that's right. I'm about 6 miles, as the crow flies. The really crazy thing is that I lived in Pocopson for 15 years, right at ground zero, lol! That guy is giving a boring neighborhood something to talk about. I'm keeping my security system on just in case.

@Organist1 He's a violent individual, but truth be told, it was a domestic crime of passion.There were over 500 murders in Philadelphia. The murder Daniel Cavalcante committed in the suburbs. There are probably 100s of people walking around Philly more likely to kill someone and a bigger danger to the public than him. He's a desperado though at this point. If someone challenged him he'd be prepared to kill. And die. That's the scary part. Do you remember Eric Frien, he ambushed and killed 2 PA troopers in the Poconos somewhere? They found pipe bombs at his home and he was a survivalist and the manhunt took 48 days. It's weird with all these sightings and they can't find Daniel Cavalcante.

@barjoe Cavalcante survived for quite a while in the Brazilian rainforest while on the lam for another murder he was accused of there. He's a bad guy. He stabbed his gf 37 times in front of her young children. Fuck him. I hope they get him alive so his family doesn't suffer, but he needs to be put away forever. I think that, as far as crimes of passion go, this one was particularly heinous, and it seems like he would go ballistic at the least amount of stress. That said, the state police seem ridiculously incompetent. That's the general consensus around here. Of course, there are lots of great places to hide in and around Longwood. He doesn't have a GPS or cell phone, but has managed to evade capture for 9 days so far. There are 400 staties looking for him, and several dogs. It's almost worth writing a song about, if he weren't such a scumbag.

@barjoe BTW, I don't remember Eric Frien. Someone like that would be even more of a danger, but Cavalcante is desperate, and we're about to get heavy thunderstorms. Conditions are deteriorating for him.

@Organist1 I hope they catch him soon. If they put a bullet in his head? I'm fine with that as well. Death is what he deserved to be sentenced to in the first place.


Wth did you get this definition, a desantis speech?????

Marine Le Pen is the reactionary in his neck of the woods.


I don't like to be woke when I'm asleep.

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