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LINK The Nones

Here is a good article by the Associated Press which documents the growing existence of people unaffiliated with any organized religion.

kensmile4u 8 Oct 5

Enjoy being online again!

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The U.S. … while the world, on average, is going the other way.

skado Level 9 Oct 5, 2023

Not true....Holland, Scandinavia, Iceland, even Ireland voting For abortion, to name just a few!

They are not the world. As a percentage of world population, "nones" are in decline and projected to continue declining for the foreseeable future.

@AnneWimsey And sadly it is mainly achieved by those religions which suppress women's rights, and turn them into baby factories to make more members, that are making the best growth.

Sorry for the late reply. I'm not on here much lately due to my relocation. I've seen some data that supports your position such as the attached Pew Research Center's study on religion. But a close examination reveals some deficits in data assumptions and methodology. For example there is no mention of future changes in technology which will support greater access to global information and education systems thus influencing social trends globally.


Thanks for this. It is the first and only meaningful response to my frequent mention on this site of this same survey. And I can see how currently unpredictable technological advances could influence long range future projections, though presumably not current trends - one of the reasons they limit their projections to 40 years. But for what it's worth, they do mention that possibility in the "Disclaimers" section:

Since religious change previously has never been projected on this scale, some cautionary words are in order. Population projections are estimates built on current population data and assumptions about demographic trends, such as declining birth rates and rising life expectancies in particular countries. The projections are what will occur if the current data are accurate and the trends play out as expected. But many events – scientific discoveries, armed conflicts, social movements, political upheavals, natural disasters and changing economic conditions, to name just a few – can shift demographic trends in unforeseen ways. Because of unforeseeable events or demographic changes, the projections are limited to a 40-year time frame."

We all need to keep in mind that even the best and most careful surveys are no guarantee of future events, but as surveyors go, I don't know of any that try harder than Pew to get it right.

Thanks for the heads-up on this issue. I hope all is going well for you in your new location.

@skado Thanks for your balanced and considerate answer as usual. There is plenty of data that would allow for more precise answers to this complex question. But the authors of this research limited themselves for some unknown reason. Time will tell how wrong they are about their predictions. I hope all is well with you my friend.

Can you recommend a source that does a better job? I’ve made a few casual searches but haven’t found anything.


Thanks for posting. We can always use some good news! 😂

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