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LINK Retired Priest Claims Hell Was Made Up By The Church To Control People

Well, duh!

Aretired priest has said that hell doesn’t exist and is purely an invention of the Christian church to control people. Bishop John Shelby Spong, who is outspoken in his desire for a critical deconstruction of traditional religious beliefs, said that while life after death is a core part of his faith, it has nothing to do with the pearly streets of heaven or the flames of hell because they don’t exist.

After all, Christian doctrine requires believers to adhere to a very strict set of rules in the name of God, and many of those restrictions have literally zero to do with whether or not you’re a good person. “Religion is always in the control business and that's something people don't really understand, it's a guilt-producing control business,” Spong explained.

According to him, hell doesn’t really exist.

In a 2006 interview, Spong accused the church of inventing the very ideas of heaven and hell as a method of forcing people to live a certain way in the hopes of avoiding one place and gaining entry to the other. “If you have heaven as a place where you're rewarded for your goodness and hell as a place where you're punished for your evil, then you sort of have control of the population,” he explained. “So they create this fiery place which has quite literally scared the hell out of a lot of people.” He clarified that he truly believes the church invented hell, saying, “Yes, I think the church fired its furnace hotter than anybody else.”

It’s not just the afterlife the Church is guilty of manipulating.

He also discussed the idea of being “born again” and how it functions within the Christian community. “The church doesn't like for people to grow up because you can't control grown-ups. That's why we talk about being born again, when you're born again ur still a child,” Spong explained. “People don't need to be born again they need to grow up. They need to accept their responsibility for themselves and the world.”

Christianity isn’t even the one true religion.

While every religion believes its members are the only ones with a true connection to God, Spong says that’s ridiculous and a completely man-made prospect, which makes so much sense. “Every church claims we are the true church and we have some ultimate authority. The idea that the truth of God can be bound in any human system, by any human creed, by any human book is beyond imagination for me,” he said. “God is not a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu or a Buddhist. All of those are human systems that human beings have created.” I think this is the most sense I’ve ever heard a religious leader make!

HippieChick58 9 Oct 26

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Christians who think their loved ones are in heaven and miscreants in hell don't even have it right scripturally. The dead are all "sleeping" until judgment day.


I knew a woman that had turned Catholic. She was so 'devout', that she was going to out-Catholic the Catholics. She said that an older nun had laughed at her. At least one of them was aware of what was going on.

ALL religions have no connections to reality, whether it's god-dude fucking virgins, or wearing their hat/ turban 24 hour of the day.


And now there is right wing Christian hold the office of Speaker of the House.


Retired priest also claims
The sea is wet
The sky is blue
The bible is just a book of fairy tales
Some priests are paedophiles

Dumb People Shocked!!!!

"The sea is wet"- an' ya can't walk on it! Dumb asses don't listen- so it would be difficult to shock them.

Was watching a super-dumb Trumpett and she was debating an intelligent Democrat, but everytime he went to comment- she would loudly talk over him---- like Trump ALWAYS does; it is one of his tactics.


I've always found Bishop John Shelby Spong's writings to be refreshingly thoughtful and thought-provoking. He was an early champion for equality, by being the first bishop to ordain a woman and then also and openly gay man into the clergy.

I've read several of his books and articles found myself saying "It's about time a religious leader said these things out loud - there have to be others who didn't have the courage to speak out."

I always liked Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.

@DenoPenno I'll have to look into him and his works. Thanks.


Wait till you get your pension, then you can say what you think. ( Sorry but I am very cynical. )


No shit, Sherlock......


That's pretty much what I understood happened. 😂


Just reading the headline made me laugh. I did not figure it all out when I was 11 or 12 but I sensed the church/religious spiel was a💩 and just left it at that. No real heavy thinking for much of the time after, until I was around 24. Those thoughts/circumstances only solidified the church/religious scam in my mind.


No surprise there.


Why tell the truth when it would mean giving up all that POWERRRRRR?


It would appear that pretty much all religious leaders know the truth but suppress it in their unrighteousness, to quote their book.

and that is the true evil in the human existance - IMHO.

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