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You would think that they would have learned from the Methodist Church, which is currently is schism due to the influx of the African churches, that this is not the way to go unless you are paving your own way to hell.

Um, your "You would think that they would have learned" assumes that the RCC is capable of learning.


Americans long ago enslaved Africans. Africans are now enslaving Americans.

Not just Americans. I saw an interesting piece on the Africa Channel that made mention of the African trade in humans. Whereas the Middle Passage was focused on male labor, the African trade in humans was focused on enslaving women. The UK banned slavery in 1835-37.

@Mooolah Nearly every European and northern African country was involved in the slave trade, it was in no way limited to one group.


Africa is a resource where the sell was hard.


Boy, talk about admitting your message is increasingly irrelevant to contemporary America. If your boat is sinking fixing the holes is the solution, not bailing harder.


We have had this in the UK for years now, African RC priests being seconded to failing diocese in the inner cities of the UK.
Because either there are no home grown priests to fill the vacancies, or what there are refuse to go in to what are practically war zones.
Some have been so miserable here, that they have actually given up the priesthood just so they could go home, rather than face a dwindling congregation that looks like god's waiting room, with no one in it under 70, for yet another weekend.

Well at least it is quiet in there. =0} The only reason I go to religious sites . That
& architecture or history etc. Salsbury Cathedral & Stone Henge the Wailing Wall.. Same thing.


Many of the Catholic priests and Evangelical pastors in Africa make their white counterparts look like Liberals on many issues.

Especially in Uganda where the baptists have been busy with indoctrination concentrating on bringing them hard core gay porn to shock & revolt them. Subsequently it is perilous to be gay there & it is spreading as backlashes do.


I guess that is one way of temporarily shoring up the Bishop of Rome's crumbling empire.

Desperate times call for desperate measures even when it is a losing battle.

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