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What does "working hard " mean?

I respond it means resisting the urge to live beyond ones means. That is to say not spending money on things one doesn't need, to impress those that don't matter, with money one doesn't have. To resist the current fashion, the newest car, the gluttonous food choices. Frugality.

Mooolah 8 Feb 11

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Doing your best with the task at hand until it is complete to everyone's satisfaction. Then do it again the next day.

But 'ya can't please everyone.


Frugality if you are really poor is a given and doesn't fill the dinner plate, either. I have been very poor as well as "comfortable" and I assure you going below a certain income quickly becomes a downward spiral to even more poverty.
Simple Example: not enough money this week to buy the Large Economy Size? You are therefore doomed to pay more for less, Forever........literally.

I have found the wealthier people are the more wasteful they are & they whine if our country tries to moderate that. I fear poverty so I have never experienced it. It usually accompanies single mother hood sans child support. Add some stress issues & our easy access to drugs can enter the situation making it even worse. I vowed I would never want for money.


Working hard as opposed to hard working is a term used by employers to exploit the maximum labour for the least remuneration from employees, hence "Your not working hard, your hardly working" a favourite reproach from bad mangers.
Whereas hard working means doing your job to the best of your abilities without endangering yourself.

If my manager said that to me, I would retort". "With respect , I don't mind & you don't matter." I became very popular in the front office. Even received an award. Then the suits came in and ruined the place so retired 8 years early. Had a better paper record than they did. The cosmos dealt me 4 aces & the best revenge became living well. All of those guys are dead, or in prison. I love how they tried to fire me and were arrested for fencing stolen items. Gotta pick & choose you're battles carefully. I won the war of the regulations.



I don't agree with you.

Working hard means engaged, employed, busy.

Frugality means thrift, moderation, penny-pinching.

Agreed. I did work awfully hard to be frugal. I worked hard resisting temptation. I worked hard at self discipline. I know that you have also.

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