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Construction of Pyramids

Could the Mammoth have been used to build the pyramids?

flow 6 May 6

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Since they couldn't use tools it is not likely.


Unlikely. I read or saw a documentary that there were pigmy Mammoths on an island off Alaska within the last few thousand years. Whatever that’s worth


The very last mammoths died out around 4000 years ago on Wrangel Island, and so it's not impossible that they were used during the contruction of the Pyramids. However, transporting a large wild animal evolved for survival in very cold climates to a very warm climate and then putting it to work would be logistically extremely difficult - if they had in fact used large animals (Egyptology is not my area, but so far as I know there's no evidence that they did), it would have made far more sense to use elephants. So, although not impossible, it's very unlikely.

Jnei Level 8 May 6, 2018

Glad I read comments before I posted. I was about to say nearly the same thing.


Although the ancients did not have the power equipment that we have, I think they were very clever and discovered ways to move giant stones. But even today difficult tasks can be accomplished using the strength of many people. Back in the 60s I saw photos of a dam being built in China without any earth moving machines. They were using thousands of people with shovels and baskets to move earth, and mix and place concrete.



gater Level 7 May 6, 2018


gater Level 7 May 6, 2018
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